Chapter 36: Shopping

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    You and Wanda dragged the boys through each store for gifts. You decided on getting Clint a new bow and Nat a matching gun. Wanda bought Nat a red hand bag, big enough for a taser or dagger.

    With fidget toys trending, it was easy to find one for Bruce. His kept breaking and he couldn't get through meetings or press conferences without them.

   As for Thor, you bought him a tall and fluffy pop-tart plush along with a mini pop-tart key chain.

    "I got him shampoo because his locks are looking crunchy." Wanda laughed at your selection.

    "I don't think he washes his hair because he has a piece of Loki's braided in there." You informed her.

    "Why does he have that?" Vision inquired curiously.

    "He faked his death." You deadpanned and pointed to Loki who was eating a jumbo pretzel with his feet propped up on a food court table.

    "Why am I not surprised?" Wanda sighed.

    "C'mon, what did you expect?" Loki grinned.

    "That accent is enough to make me melt, stop talking." You whined swatted at Loki. He laughed and took another bite of his pretzel.

    "We have more shopping to do, Y/n come on." Wanda grabbed your arm and dragged you into more stores.

    You got Tony new sun glasses, Pietro a playboy magazine and a maid costume, Wanda a ruby necklace, Vision a toaster, Steve a sketchpad, and Bucky a bag of magnets.

    For Loki, you wanted your gift to be more meaningful. You scoured the mall for the perfect thing and finally found it. You found a gold chained necklace with a gold snake charm encrusted with rose quartz. It was a great gift that said 'not platonic but not straight up romantic'.

    Loki did the honors of teleporting everyone's gifts into their rooms at the tower so nobody would peek in the car. Everyone climbed in and you somehow found yourself squished between Thor and Loki.

    "Peter want the aux?" Tony asked and handed Peter a long black cord with a silver tip. Peter cheerfully took it and plugged it into his phone.

    "Sour?" Peter asked you. He had taught you about the SOUR album a couple weeks ago and you decided it was your new favorite thing. You nodded gleefully and he pressed play.

    The sound of a car starting played through speakers and eventually turned into music.

    "I got my drivers license last week!" Peter started.

    "Just like we always talked about!" You continued.

    "'Cause you were so excited for me to finally drive up to your house!" Tony sang from the front.

    "But today I drove through the suburbs. Crying 'cause you weren't around!" Bucky fake sobbed.

    "And you're probably with that blonde girl who always made me doubt." Peter sung.

    "She's so much older than me, she's everything I'm insecure about." Loki added.

    "Yeah today I drove through the suburbs 'cause how could I ever love someone else?" You sang and glance at Loki for a second.

    For the rest of the ride home, everyone sang in unison. Not harmony, far from that. Even Loki sang and of course Peter and Tony cried.


I couldn't help including a SOUR scene

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I couldn't help including a SOUR scene. Anyways only 5 chapters left!

Olivia <3

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