Chapter 13: Food Fight!

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You chewed softly on a burger and observed the team around you. Peter nudged Loki's side and quickly popped a waffle fry into his mouth. Loki sighed and lined his spoon up with your distracted figure. He flung the spoon backwards causing his mashed potatoes to smack you in the cheek.

    "You mother fu~" Steve held a finger to your lips before you could finish your sentence.

   "Language." He scolded. You rolled your eyes and chomped down on his bony finger. He retracted his hand and winced in pain. You laughed then grabbed the bun off your half eaten burger before hurling it in Loki's direction. It hit his head and bounced off into Peter's lap who was very amused with the unfolding scene. Loki smirked and picked up his dinner roll. He tossed it in your direction, but you ducked under the table. Instead of hitting you, the rolled smacked Wanda in the back of the head.

   "Ow!" She whined before sending baby carrots Loki's way, using her magic. He used his own magic and diverted the carrots towards  Bucky. You chuckled and wiped the mash potato glob off your cheek and watched as a food fight unfolded at the table. It seemed like everyone's main target was Loki.

     You launched the rest of your burger in Loki's direction but missed and hit Peter and Bucky. They hurled apple slices and orange peels towards you and accidentally hit Wanda and Steve. Steve jokingly hit Bucky in the head with a plastic fork. Loki threw a chocolate heart at you which you square in the nose.

"Ow, where the hell did you get that from?!" You rubbed the chocolate of fyour nose and threw french fries dart style at his head.

"Tony you're awful for condoning this." Pepper told Tony from under the table. He scooped some pudding and rubbed it into the top of her head.

"Ew, Tony I think you went too far." You laughed and tossed a french fry at his head, "I need better ammunition." You sighed.

"Who's going to clean this up?" Tony asked after he wiped down his t-shirt.

"Not it!" Almost everybody yelled. You looked around the room confused, everyone but you and Loki had a finger on their nose.

"You're brave soldier." Wanda saluted you and ran off with Vision and Peter. Soon more and more people scurried away, leaving you and Loki alone.

"This looks like a crime scene." He joked as be began teleporting dishes and utensils into the sink and dishwasher. You poured some soap onto each dish and created rainfall above them.

"Automatic washing!" You told him with jazz hands. He chuckled and summoned the trashcan. You both took turns scraping whatever pudding or potatoes ended up on the ceiling and floor.

"You know, I really shouldn't be the one doing the ceiling. You're much taller." You stated as you wobbled on top of a less than sturdy chair.

"Okay, we'll switch. Let me help you down." He replied. Before you could protest he wrapped his arms around your waist and lowered you onto the ground.

"I didn't need your help." You pouted. He chuckled and flipped his head back, moving his hair out of his face.


Oli <3

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