Chapter 32: Royal Council

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Odin entered the room, fire practically dancing in his one visible eye along with a group of royal council members that you of course recognized from Loki's previous stunts.

"We are here to discuss Loki's progress and how our alliance with Midgard is coming along. No punishment shall be sentenced on this trip." Odin stated from his end of the table. Loki let out a quick sigh of relief.

"Y/n, my dear, you go first." Frigga ordered. You cleared your throat and conjured your note cards before speaking up.

"Loki has done everything in his power to protect the people of Midgard on the select missions we have sent him on. He saved my life and earned the entire team's trust." You nervously spoke, trying to avoid eye contact with the Allfather. Under the table, Loki grabbed your hand to comfort you.

"Lady Wanda, you're next." Frigga stated as she finished up her notes of your statement.

"As Y/n said, he has earned our trust and he even assisted me in better understand my magic." Wanda spoke confidently.

"Okay, Thor?" Odin requested his son's words.

"I've seen great improvement in my brother's behavior and even his relationship with Lady Y/n. He's doing a great job at controlling his mischievous tendencies and all of his pranks have been harmless since moving to the tower." Thor explained to his father. Odin nodded and looked to the council members for any input.

"Sounds like he's been behaving but it hasn't been a year yet so give him time." A man named Roy spoke up. He always sucked up to Odin and he knew how much Odin wanted Loki off of Asgard.

"I agree, you go back to Midgard tomorrow." Odin informed all of you. You nodded respectfully and squeezed Loki's hand ecstatically. He chuckled slightly and squeezed your hand back.

"Wanda, I'll show you the guest quarters unless you want to come hang with me." You whispered to her.

"I think we should all hang in your room." Thor suggested.

"Yes, I haven't seen it in 150 years." Loki agreed.

"Oh alright." You grumpily complied and teleported the group to your quarters.

"Woah this is huge!" Wanda rushed around your childhood bedroom and admired every artifact you had collected.

"That's what she said." Thor snickered from your snack stash.

"So mature, brother." Loki scolded, trying to hold back his own laughter.

"Not to you, Thor." You joked.

"She said it to me." Loki joined in on your joke. You and Wanda erupted into laughter as Thor jokingly glared at you.

"Earth really has rubbed off on the three of you." Wanda told you.

"Yes ma'am." You responded and whacked her in the face with one of your many pillows.

"Oh hell no!" She yanked the pillow at you and swung towards your face. You ducked out the way and the pillow hit Loki in the face instead. He pulled you up and tried his best to use you as a shield while grabbing frantically for a pillow off of your bed. You kicked him in the shin causing him to release you. You ducked under his arms and scrambled onto your bed for a pillow before darting over and jumping onto his back.

"We're on the same team, pretty boy." You whispered and ordered him to charge towards Thor who was happily watch the pillow fight while chewing on chocolate. You bopped him in the head with your fluffy pillow and readied yourself for Wanda's incoming hit. Instead of hitting you, she smacked Loki in the stomach causing him to almost drop you. You let out a small yelp and held onto him tighter.

"Relax, love, I won't drop you." He promised and carefully squeezed your hand in a soothing way.

"Awww." Wanda teased before throwing pillow at your face.

"So you chose death?" Loki jokingly warned the witch who was laughing her head off. You hurled your pillow at her head and conjured some more to throw.

"Okay, okay I surrender!" She gasped after the fifth pillow.

"Hahaha we are victorious!" You cheered and gave Loki a peck on the cheek before climbing down off his back. You stood confidently in front of him and stuck your tongue out at Wanda and Thor. Loki wrapped his arms around you and rest his chin carefully on the top of your head and chuckled at your childish antics.

"How long have you been courting?" Thor asked the two of you.

"What?!" You pushed yourself out of Loki's arms and tripped over your feet and onto the ground.

"I thought you were courting." Thor repeated himself.

"No, I heard you but what makes you think that." You replied as you helped yourself onto your bed.

"Everything." Wanda answered for him. Thor nodded his head in agreement and pointed to her.

"You're insane," you told them.

"Am I, Y/n?" Wanda asked, remembering your reoccurring dream.

"Y-yeah." You stammered and shot her a pleading look. She chuckled at this new power she held over you while Loki and Thor watched the interaction with confusion painted carefully on their godly faces.


I'm rather proud of this chapter

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I'm rather proud of this chapter.

Olivia <3

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