Chapter 41: Adoration

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The wrapping of the gift shed off and landed in your lap on top of various colorful paper scraps, revealing an jewlery box that was a deep shade of emerald. You examined the box and noted it was similar in size to the purple jewlery box that was now in Loki's hands. You gave him a suspicous look before slowly opening the box. A wave of shock washed over your face and you frantically looked between Loki and the snake charm that rested neately in the center of the vessel. He looked up slowly, hairs starting to fall out of place as his green eyes gently searched for some kind of answer on your wide eyes.

"Where did you get this?" He whispered as he pulled the necklace out of the case. It dangled slightly in his hands, almost mocking you.

"That jewlery store in the mall," you told him. You scooted closer to him and pulled the necklace from him. He watched your movements as you carefully unclasped the chain and wrapped your arms around his pale neck. His adams apple bobbed nervously as you clicked the ends back together and adjsuted the charm that now hung right under his collar bone. He planted a soft kiss on your forehead and pulled the green jewlery box from your left hand. Your right hand found itself gripping the side of the couch for support.

"What was that?" You giggled. He laughed huskily before copying your movements and placing his gift gently around your neck.

"Y/n, I adore you. I know that we have a rough past and this may seem rather forward but I'd like to court with you," Loki said hopefully. You blinked your eyes a few times to register his confession. Your lips curled into a wide smile and you flung arms around him.

"I'd be honored to court with my favorite prince," you laughed lightly. Wanda, Clint and Peter finally let out their excited squeals. The piercing sounds were enough to wake Thor who was snoring on the pop-tart plush you bought him. Loki happily dipped you back, kissing your lips softly.

"Are they finally courting?" Thor whispered to the trio of cupids that were happily watching you. Loki growled and threw a dagger that buried itself into Thor's side.

"Loki!" You laughed and pulled yourself out of his embrace.

"What is it, my love?" He asked innocently. You rolled your eyes and grabbed a cloth from the first aid kit.

    "You have to stop stabbing your brother," you scolded and removed the dagger from Thor's abdomen. Your wrapped the cloth carefully around him, applying pressure to the wound.

    "If you wish for me to stop then I'll stop," he cooed and wrapped his arms around your waist.

    "It took you long enough to get together." Clint joked from the sofa and propped his feet up proudly.

    "Shut it," you snapped at him. Loki chuckles and buried his head into the crook of your neck.

    "Wait so what happened to the scavenger hunt?" Pete observed innocently.

    "Scavenger hunt?" You tilted your head in confusion.

    "I was going to have a scavenger hunt to show you how I felt but this worked out much better," Loki explained.

"Breakfast is ready, trolls!" Nat shouted from the dining room. With that, the Avengers woke up and followed the smell of bacon and pancakes.

Instead of taking his normal spot by Bucky and Peter, Loki stole Steve's spot next to you.

"Can you stop staring at each other and eat. I work hard on that food," Nat pushed your place into your chest. You rolled your eyes and brought a piece of pancake to your lips. Loki gladly housed the food and started stealing pieces of food off your plate.

"You're lucky I love you..r smile," you stammered and pushed his fork away with your finger.

"What was that, love?" Loki asked. You sighed and stuffed some food into your mouth. He grinned and jabbed your sides.

"I love you, idiot." You rolled your eyes and slapped his hand away.

"I love you too, beautiful." He laughed and kissed the top of your head.


This is the end

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This is the end. I have a couple x reader books in the works, including Peter, Bucky and of course Loki.

Please follow for more updates :)

Olivia <3

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