Chapter 34: The Merchant

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On your way out of the palace, you ran into your merchant friend and decided to introduce Loki as he requested.

"Olivia! Its good to see you again!" You greeted the woman who stood happily behind her stall.

"Y/n, you're not here for another book are you? I'm starting to run out." Olivia smiled and gave you a friendly hug.

"No, I am not here for a book but my dearest friend here is." You responded and pulled Loki to your side.

"Your majesty," Olivia bowed her head.

"That's not necessary. Any friend of Y/n's is a friend of mine." He told her. She lifted her head and smiled.

"Of course, now what kind of book are you looking for?" She asked. She began listing off all of her romance novels while glancing between the two of you.

"Romeo and Juliet sounds appealing." Loki said as he skimmed her selections.

"I'm going to take Wanda to the bifrost, while you do this. She's getting overwhelmed over there." You whispered to Loki. He inclined his head and watched you walk off with Wanda.

"Will that be all for you?" Olivia asked as she bagged the book up.

"No actually, can I also have that necklace?" He pointed to a gold necklace with a snake charm, encrusted with rose quartz that was hanging on the side of her stall.

"Of course, who's the lucky lady or gentleman?" She asked as she wrapped the jewelry gently in a paper packaging.

"Y/n.." Loki mumbled.

"I knew it! How long have you been courting?!" She cheerfully whispered.

"We haven't started courting. I was hoping to ask her soon." He admitted.

"Well don't let me get in the way of love, the necklace is free!" Olivia handed him the paper package before adding, "but the book is five gold coins." He chuckled and pulled out a small satchel of coins and handed it to her.

"This is like fifty, Loki." She stared at him confused.

"You deserve it, you are a kind soul. Consider it a tip." Loki told her and bid her a good day. He met Thor by the horse stalls and found his favorite steed, Luna.

"What's in the bag, brother?" Thor asked as they mounted the horse.

"Just a book and a gift for Y/n." Loki said absently.

"That is sweet, the team takes Christmas very seriously." Thor replied.

"Christmas?" Loki asked as he steered the horse to the bridge.

"It's a winter holiday where gifts are exchanged. It's coming up soon." Thor explained.

"I'm assuming I have to buy everyone presents." Loki asked grumpily.

"It is advised." Thor nodded.


"What is taking them so long?" Wanda complained as she sat slump against the golden dome.

"Loki was purchasing a book." You explained.

"Goody, like your boyfriend needs more books." Wanda joked.

"He's not my boyfriend!" You exclaimed.

"You wish he was." Wanda and Heimdall chimed together.

"Hey! You're supposed to be on my side Heimdall!" You joked to the man who was polishing his sword.

"I am, Y/n." He chuckled. The sound of horse hooves met your ears. You could start to make out the sight of Loki and Thor approaching.

"Finally." Wanda groaned, with her Sokovian accent coming out.

"Sorry we took so long, Olivia is awfully chatty." Loki lied.

"Be glad, she's very introverted. She only likes certain people." You joked.

"Lets go, I miss Pietro." Wanda grabbed your arm and pulled you into the bifrost circle. Loki and Thor followed and gave Heimdall a short nod. Within seconds your feet left the ground and a colorful tunnel encased you.

Your feet made it back onto solid ground and you saw the familiar sights of New York city once again.


I got this 4th wall break idea from 221b_blogger101  who is my absolute most favorite author! Go read all of their books now!

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I got this 4th wall break idea from 221b_blogger101  who is my absolute most favorite author! Go read all of their books now!

Olivia <3

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