Chapter 17: Awake

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All the Avengers stood in a worshipping like circle around Loki. It was very fitting since he was a god with an ego. He groaned and sat up, rubbing his eyes.

"Why are you all staring at me?"He questioned. He quickly summoned a dagger under his pillow and positioned his hand for easy access to the blade.

"Loki, you saved Y/n." Bruce told him. Loki tensed up at the interaction.

"We were all skeptical about trusting you, but now we all know we can." Steve continued for Bruce.

"I don't know who this 'we' is. I trusted him after like the first week." Wanda interrupted. Peter nodded in agreement.

     "Whatever, how do you feel Y/n?" Loki ignored the praise from the team and focused on you.

     "Honestly, I'm feeling great. I mean I'm a tad bit nervous." You replied giddily.

       "Why are you nervous?" He asked and began to get up from the hospital cot.

     "She has a date!" Nat exclaimed.

     "What is a date?" Loki questioned. He looked confused as he finally pulled himself to his feet.

    "She's going to go on a romantic evening with a very attractive person." Wanda explained.

    "Thats great, Y/n. What is the lucky person's name?" He asked. He began to walk you and Wanda out of the room to continue the conversation. You three pretty much became best friends after the beach trip.

    "Her name is Lilly. She's gender-fluid and she's super funny but in a dark way. We really started bonding over old Midgard literature."

    You raved about Lilly until you finally made it to your room, "wait why are we here?" You asked.

            "We're getting you ready for your date." Wanda told you. You sighed as they pushed you into your room. You sat yourself comfortably on your bed as Loki went through your closet and Wanda set up all of her makeup on your unused vanity.

"Put this on." Loki tossed a green velvety tank top to you and turned back into your closet for the rest of your outfit. You pulled the shirt over your body went to check yourself in the mirror.

"This too!" He yelled and threw a pair of black pants at you. You caught them and slipped the on.

"Okay come here and let me do your makeup while he picks out accessories." Wanda commanded. You sighed and sat in the stool. First she dabbed on concealer that matched your skin tone perfectly. Next up was some eyeliner and mascara.

            "Don't you think this is enough?" You asked the duo. Loki was piling gold accessories onto your bed and Wanda was swatching different lipsticks all over your hands and arms.

            "Nonsense, darling." Loki told you. Wanda nodded in agreement and put finishing touches on your makeup and hair.

            "I mean, I do look good." You replied. You swiveled the stool around to face and Loki and stuck out your hands. In your left hand he place a couple gold rings and wrist cuff. In your right hand he place a gold snake necklace and a few more rings.

            "Why are you dressing her up like you?" Wanda laughed.

             "She'll have a better chance at attracting women." He responded slyly.

              "Wow, you're so humble. The only person I want to attract tonight is Lilly." You smacked Loki in the arm and slipped on a pair of black heels.

              "Have fun, please text us updates and check in." Wanda said as she ushered you into the elevator.

            "I will!" You exclaimed as the elevator doors shut in your face.


             You sat carefully at the bar and sipped on margarita as you waited for your date to arrive. With each tic of the clock you grew more and more nervous. You frantically texted Wanda every minute telling her the Lilly was late.

             Until finally she showed up.

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