Chapter 7: Shawarma

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    "We're getting lunch?" Tony asked excitedly.

"I sure want to." You replied.

     "Okay, you're new to Earth. I want to take you the most extravagant joint in Manhattan." He told you.

"Okay, I'd love to try more Midgardian food." You responded. You pressed the 25th floor button in the elevator and tapped your foot impatiently until the doors open and let you onto your floor.

     You took a quick shower and changed into some comfortable clothes that you bought with Wanda. A knock came to your door and you creaked it open carefully to reveal Thor on the other side.

      "Y/n I need your assistance convincing my brother to join us for lunch. We can't leave him alone in the tower." He greeted you. He pulled your arm and guided you across the hall to where Loki's room was located. You knocked and shot Thor an annoyed look.

"What do you want, Thor?" Loki creaked the door open and blankly stared at you and Thor standing together.

"We want to go out for lunch, you're coming with." You told him straight up. Thor nudged you in your side and you rolled your eyes, "please." You finished.

"Fine alright." Loki complied. He followed you and Thor down the stairs to where the rest of the Avengers were waiting.


"Ta-da!" Tony exclaimed. In front of you stood a brick building with a medium sized window that was littered with posters and grime. The neon sign that hung above it was flickering and the green door had a rusted handle and odd black stains.

"Charming." You and Loki said in unison. Tony sighed at your reaction, "the food is amazing, c'mon." He gestured for you and rhe rest of the team to follow him into the restaurant. Everyone quickly paired off into different booths leaving you and Loki.

"Pick a spot, your majesty." You teased. He chuckled and picked a booth close to Wanda and Vision's.

"I cannot believe you dragged me to this wretched place." He whined as he skimmed the menu.

"Oh relax, I'm sure the food is good like Tony said." You responded.

"Whatever you say, darling." He replied. Your heart skipped a beat and you looked up at him with confusion painted on your face.

"What?" He asked, equally as bewildered. Maybe he just didn't hear himself say it.

A couple minutes passed and the waitress took your order. She twirled and flipped her long blond hair as she talked to Loki who was completely oblivious to her flirting. You felt a strange feeling in the pit of your stomach and felt your cheeks go hot whenever she was near.

"Loki, she was flirting with you, idiot." You told him as she walked off. He looked at her confused then returned his gaze to you.

  "She was? Oh well I'm not interested." You scoffed.

"She was obnoxiously attractive, how are you not interested?!" You retorted.

"She's too young for me, I prefer Asgardians our age." He responded.

"So that leaves, Sif and the Warriors Three," you teased, "oh Fandral-" You faked moaned before Loki clasped his hand over your mouth.

"I told you not to speak of that!" He whined.

"You're not the boss of me." You replied slyly. He rolled his eyes and sat back in the booth with a slight smirk. You felt a fuzzy feeling in your stomach but it was probably just your hunger.

"So what were the dungeons like on Asgard? I've never visited them." You changed the subject. He twirled a bit of his hair and thought of an answer before responding.

"They were boring but I had my books. My mother visited but Thor and Odin couldn't be bothered."

"Thats awful, I'm sorry." You responded. You felt guilty for never visiting but to be fair he did try to tell the Allfather that you were a frost giant.


Here besties, ya'll need more Loki content after that Loki episode 😭

Oli <3

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