Chapter 22: Let's Party

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    Tony's party came around fairly quickly. The boys were down in the common floor unpacking liquor while the ladies were up getting ready in your room.

    "Loki, can you pass me the red shade?" You asked Lady Loki who was rummaging through your lipsticks. She teleported lipstick into your hand and went back to her search. Nat and Wanda emerged from your bathroom, freshly showered.

     "I can't tell who I'm more jealous of." You whined at the two. Nat chuckled and dropped her towel to change. You caught yourself staring for a bit too long before snapping back to the task at hand.

    "Y/n, have you seen my rings?" Wanda asked as she frantically looked through her purse and duffel.

    "I moved them to her nightstand drawer to avoid them getting lost or damaged." Loki responded for you.

    "We're going to be late." Nat stated as she clipped a gold chain around her neck. Wanda followed Nat out, leaving you alone with Loki.

    Loki sat up her spot and slipped a vile into her pocket, slowly approaching you. She placed the vile with golden swirling liquid down in front of you.

"Oh my stars! Where did you find this?" You picked up the vile and looked at the shimmery alchohol inside.

"I snuck some from Asgard months ago." She explained proudly. You shot up from your stool and wrapped your arms around her shoulders, pulling her in for a hug. She froze for a second, this was unfamiliar to her. After a few seconds, her arms snaked around your waist.

"We're going to be late." She reminded you. You let go of her and back away, brushing a strand of hair out of your face.

"Sorry, shall we?" You stuck your arm out and she wrapped hers around the crook of your elbow. You both exited your room and made your way to the elevator.

The elevator spat you both out in the common floor where guests were beginning to arrive. A couple out of tower Avengers were able to make it as well.

"Y/n, these are some of my friends." Steve introduced you.

"Hi, I'm Scott. Ant-man. Big fan of your work." Scott greeted. He had the energy of a child which you found adorable.

"I'm Sam. Falcon." Same greeted and shook your hand. He had more serious vibes but you could tell he was just trying to impress Steve.

"I am King T'Challa, of Wakanda. Black Panther. My little sister Shuri has a small crush on you. She's over there with the spider boy." T'Challa introduced himself.

"I'm Y/n, but you guys seem to already know that." You laughed.

"Are you a god like Thor?" Scott asked excitedly.

"I'm the goddess of the elements and plants. And Loki here is the god of mischief and lies." You attempted to include Loki who was standing awkwardly by your side.

"That's Loki?" Sam asked skeptically.

"Yes." Lady Loki replied coldly.

"Well it was nice meeting you guys, I'm going to go mingle." You told the group. You dragged Loki who was staring daggers at Sam to the next room where Thor and Jane were located.

"Hey, Thor! I'm assuming you're Jane." You greeted the pair.

"You didn't tell me she was a lesbian, you had me worried for nothing." Jane whispered to Thor.

"What? No, I'm not a lesbian and Loki isn't my date." You told her.

"So why are you so close to Thor?" She pressed.

"Y/n is like a little sister to me. Her parents were good friends of the royal family." Thor jumped to your defense.

"Yeah, I promise I'm not after Thor. I'm interested in someone else." You assured her.

"You're just a phase anyway, I don't understand why you're so worried about him." Loki shot at Jane in hopes to defend and impress you. Jane gasped and stomped out of the room, slamming her wine glass on the bar.

"Sister." Thor scolded Loki before chasing after Jane.


Loki needs social skills

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Loki needs social skills.

Olivia <3

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