Chapter 29: Love and Mind Games

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    Wanda shook you awake while describing to Vision your dream. She hoped that he could scour the internet for some analyzation.

    "Why do you need me, isn't it obvious?" He asked, confused.

    "What do you mean, Vis?" She halted her shaking as you snored unevenly below her.

    "She clearly has romantic feelings for Loki and she's afraid of rejection because of past experiences." He explained.

    "Oh, duh!" She awkwardly laughed and face-palmed herself.

    "Do you 'ship' it?" He questioned.

    "Has Peter been teaching you slang again?" She chuckled. He nodded very proudly and sat on the bed besides her.

    "Dear, I do hope you wake up." Wanda continued to shake you more vigorously until your eyes began to flutter open.

    "There she is." Vision happily chimed.

    "Let me guess you saw it and she told you." You croaked and pointed at the couple in front of you. They nodded apologetically in response. You groaned and pulled the blanket over your head.

"Hey, its okay," Wanda comfortingly rubbed your hand with her thumb.

"This is so embarrassing!" Your muffled cries filled the room. Vision and Wanda exchanged empathetic looks before speaking up again.

"It just means you're in love." Vision stated happily. You quickly pulled the duvet down, revealing your face.

"What? Who told you that, toaster?!" You exclaimed and quickly scrambled to meet his face.

"It's obvious, Y/n. Back up, dove." Wanda cooed and pulled you back from her robotic boyfriend.

"I don't love him. I shouldn't love him. He hurt me!" You sniffled as tears started to well up in your eyes.

"Did he apologize for what he did and said?" Wanda pressed and handed you a soft tissue. You nodded and blew your nose, then tossed the tissue into the trash can beside your bed.

"And did you tell him you forgave him?" Vision quizzed.

"Yes.." You muttered softly.

"Then you either lied or theres a greater reason." Wanda told you. She was right, there was a greater reason.

"What's the greater reason?" You asked her and tilted your head.

"That is for you to figure out, dove." Wanda laughed. You groaned jokingly and threw yourself back onto your bed.

"We'll be here for support but that is all." Wanda smiled and rubbed your leg before getting up with Vision.

"Get some sleep, Y/n." Vision requested from your door. Shortly after you heard it shut. You pulled your blanket over your curled body and nestled your head in the pillows, Stark provided.

"Sleep." You whispered to yourself.


    "Good morning, Y/n." Loki was the first to greet you. He was oddly friendly as he carefully poured tea for the both of you.

    "Good morning.." You approached him cautiously and very carefully took a sip of the tea he handed you.

    "How did you sleep?" He asked with a smirk. Oh no, he knows something. Shit! You thought to yourself.

    "Great! You?" You lied matching his expression. His face faltered but he never skipped a beat.

    "Not so great, had a bad dream." He fibbed.

    "Huh, that's sad. Too bad, I don't have much experience with bad dreams." You grinned at him before turning on your heel to find Wanda and Vision. Loki's smile fell and he started to chuckle. He felt defeated yet impressed that you could defeat him at his stupid mind games.

    "She's smart, huh?" Thor chirped from behind him. Loki's laugh halted and he scoffed.

    "She's utterly brilliant. Anyone with half a brain could see that." Loki growled and stormed off to his room.


Ugh, I got my braces tightened today 😭

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Ugh, I got my braces tightened today 😭

Olivia <3

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