Chapter 15: Absent

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"I don't understand!" Loki growled at Bruce who was scurrying around the infirmary. You laid unconsciously on the small cot next to Pietro who had broken his leg.

"Me neither, Loki. This stuff usually works on Asgardians. Well Thor at least." Bruce replied as calmly as possible. His veins were throbbing green and his voice was distorted.

"She's not Asgardian, doctor. She's Jotun. I have a press conference to attend, figure this out." Loki commanded.


Cameras flashed in the faces of the scraped and bruised Avengers. Tony sat slump against the podium with a white sling hold his arm up. The rest of the team stood as straight as they could, despite being exhausted from the mission.

Loki pushed the large double doors opened and walked across the stage in a black suit with a small cut over his forehead. He scoffed at Tony's current state and took his place by Wanda and your empty spot.

"The Hydra agents were all apprehended and are now under interrogation by Director Fury himself." Steve explained to a female reporter who was shoving a microphone in his face.

"I see you're missing some teammates." Another reporter probed.

"They were injured in battle, nothing serious though." Nat lied. Loki zoned out for the rest of the conference, as did Wanda.

The rest of the day was quiet and slow. After the conference, the Avengers headed down to the training room but Lokis decided to read peacefully in the library. He creaked the large doors opened and beelined to the loveseat where he left his book the last time. Next to his book was the one you were reading. He sighed and placed it gently on the coffee table.


Nat placed small bowls of soup in front of each dinner attendant while Steve poured drinks in everyone's drinks. Wanda looked back and forth at the empty seats next to her before digging into her food.

"Banner, when are we going to get the kids back?" Tony asked Bruce who was lost in thought.

"Soon, Pietro is fully healed and he'll be awake in a couple hours but Y/n is difficult. I don't know how to treat Jotuns, I can barely treat Asgardians." He replied. Loki shot up from the table and ran down to the medical wing.

"What is his issue?" Clint asked absently. Wanda rolled her eyes and followed after Loki's dramatic ass.


Wanda wandered into the infirmary where Loki was hovering over your body.

"What are you doing? Are you healing her?" Wanda rushed over to get a better look.

"Yes, consider this part of your training." Loki replied. His hand hovered over your back where you were shot the day before. His green magic flowed down your spinal cord and up to your ears. It encased itself around your legs and the hole in your back closed up with the bullet popping out and hitting the ground. He flipped you over onto your back and plopped down into a seat.

"Is she going to be okay?" Wanda asked frantically. Loki only nodded in response. Using all that magic really drained him. He soon dozed off in his chair.


After dinner, the team took turns coming in to check on you and Loki. Pietro was up and moving again, so Wanda took him out for ice cream.

Steve was sitting in the seat beside Loki sketching his shield when you started to stir. You groaned and sat up, looking around the room.

"My back hurts like a mother fucker." You finally complained. Steve looked up from his sketch book and quickly ran over to hug you.

"Y/n, we're so glad you're okay." He sighed.

"What happened, old man?" You asked, confused.


The Marvel intro for episode six had me sobbing

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The Marvel intro for episode six had me sobbing. This episode fueled my depression.

Also two chapters today because I'm nice.

Oli <3

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