Chapter 6: Training

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    "Welcome to your first day of training." Tony greeted you with a chipper tone.

    "Tony its six in the morning, how are you so energetic?" You groaned and rubbed your eyes.

    "Coffee!" He replied with jazz hands. You chuckled and started to stretch.

"Today we'll test your strengths and see what we have to work on." He explained.

     The first task you had to perform was combat. You sparred against Steve and easily took him out. Then on Bucky and successfully won.

    Your next sparring partners were the assassins on the team. In the beginning Clint was too scared to hurt you but eventually he tried his best and failed. Nat showed you no mercy but the fight ended with her pinned down.

   "Okay, we'll use Thor since you've beaten our Super Soldiers and Assassins." Tony pushed Thor onto the mat.

   "C'mon, pretty boy." You teased him. He lunged towards you and rolled under his legs and kicked the inside of his knee causing him to collapse. Before you could climb on top of him, he pulled your foot and place his knee on your stomach. You groaned hooked your foot around his leg and pulled him forward. He landed on the mat next to you so you too the opportunity and pinned him to the ground.

    "Is there anyone you can lose to?" Tony whined.

     "She used to lose to me." Loki chimed from the doorway.

     "What are you doing here?" You asked and rolled off Thor. You hit the ground with a thud and made a squeak like noise.

    "I was merely looking for my brother." He informed you. He approached you and stuck his hand out. You hesitated before grabbing it and pulled you up from the ground effortlessly.

    "I need to talk to you, oaf." Loki looked down to his brother and kicked mercilessly in the head.

"Be nice." You scolded. You helped Thor to his feet and patted his back.

  "Before you go, can we spar? These guys really want me to lose." You asked Loki who was casually towering over you.

"If you wish to lose, you've come to the right man." He told you with a smirk. Thor stepped off the mat and watched as you and Loki prepared for a fight.

You both circled the mat waiting for the other to make the first move. Eventually you grew tired and lunged towards him, wrapping your arms around his slim waste and pushing him to the ground. He placed his hands on your upper back and flipped you over. He crawled on top of you and pinned your wrists to the floor. You squirmed for a second and kneed his groin. He winced in pain and loosened his grip on your wrists. You wrapped your legs around his in a final attempt to get up and pushed your torso towards him. You met in the middle, your legs locked with his. He was breathing heavily only a couple inches away from your face, his hands still wrapped around your wrists.

   "Okay, its a tie!" Tony yelled. You broke your eye contact with Loki and helped yourself off the ground.

"Damn." Loki breathed out.


    "Next up is your powers. What can you do?" Steve asked you as he double checked the padding of the closed off room you were now sitting in.

    "Anything with water, fire, air and plant life." You told him.

"Okay show me your water skills." You concentrated on the moisture in the air and created shapes with the water droplets. They glided around the room turning into different animals before turning into a drizzle of rain. You focused hard enough to create a small waterfall that poured over Steve's head.

    "Real mature, Y/n. Now show me fire." You chuckled and conjured fire into your hands. You tossed it around then torched a bit if the wall.

"Okay, air?" He asked. You sent gusts of wind towards him, knocking him back, then you pushed your self up and hovered a couple feet off the ground.

    "Aright, plants?" He requested. You complied grew vines from the ceiling and patches of grass on the floor. In the palm of your hand you allowed a daisy to grow and mushrooms grew out of your scalp.

"Wow, okay. Thats all for today." Steve told you. With a blink of your eyes, all your creations vanished and the room dried.

    "Okay, I'm starving, lets get lunch." You chuckled and skipped out of the room.


I haven't even finished the Loki episode but I already know I'm going to be simping.

I haven't even finished the Loki episode but I already know I'm going to be simping

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Oli <3

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