Chapter 2: Betrayal?

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     After your first week in the tower, you had gotten used to human customs and even made a friend. The tower was still a bit confusing and you frequently got lost but other than that you were content with your new home.

   "Good morning Y/n!" Wanda exclaimed happily from her normal spot at the kitchen island.

"Good morning." You greeted her. You beelined to the tea kettle and started to prepare herbal tea.

   "Care for some tea?" You asked Wanda who was nibbling on a flat pastry with frosting.

"No thank you." She replied. You patiently waited for your tea as more and more people piled into the kitchen and living room.

"Morning, Y/n." Thor greeted you.

"What are you making?" He asked and grabbed a rectangle wrapped in silver foil.

"Just jasmine tea." You replied. You grabbed a black mug and poured your tea from the kettle.

"Oh thats Loki's favorite." Thor stated absently. You sighed,

"I'm aware." You walked off to the living room where Peter and Loki were sitting.

"Good morning, princess." Loki greeted slyly.

"I'm not a princess and you know that, snake." You responded bitterly.

"Yes of course, anyway Spiderling drink this." Loki told Peter and place a chalice with fogged that swirled around the rim.

"Pete don't drink that." You warned and took a sip of your tea.

"Y/n must you ruin everything for me?" Loki's icy voice asked.

"Thats funny, I don't remember ruining our friendship." You told him.

"Miss Y/n, your presence is needed in Mr. Stark's lab." A robotic tone spoke up. You sighed and put an invisible cover over your drink before teleporting to Tony's lab.

"Shit you scared me." Tony announced and clutched his chest. You chuckled and hopped up onto an empty table.

"Sorry Stark, what do you need me for?"

"I was wondering if you're interested in becoming an Avenger?" Tony asked you. Your face lit up for only a second. "I would love to..!"

"Great, I'll start working on a suit." He told you. You left the lab and went straight to Thor.

   "Thor, Thor, Thor I need to talk to you right now!" You exclaimed out of breath when you reached the living room. Loki was still sitting with Peter but he was now reading a book and Thor was eating a pastry on the couch.

   "Y/n what is the matter?" He asked with crumbs falling into his lap. Loki looked up, intrigued. Instead of speaking you grabbed Thor's wrist and teleported him to your room.

"Tony just offered me a position on the team and I accepted it, but now I feel like I'm betraying Asgard." You explained frantically.

"Relax, its okay. You're not betraying Asgard, your simply helping save the Earth." He told you. He place his hands on your shoulders and shook lo you, he always did that to calm you down. You took a deep breath and thanked him.

Very suddenly, a loud blaring alarm rang through the halls. You covered your ears and shut your eyes tight.

"Its just the alarm for missions. We'll be back shortly Y/n." Thor told you. He left quickly and shut the door behind which muffled the insufferable alarm.

"Miss Y/n, you are alone in the tower with Loki. Do you wish to have access to the security cameras to track his movement?" Friday asked. You sighed and opened your door once all noise ceased.

"No Friday, I'll watch him myself."

You walked carefully down the stairs, gripping the railing, until you reached the living room. Loki scoffed at your presence and sat up to go to the kitchen. You rolled your eyes and took his spot on the couch. His book rested nicely on the coffee table along with a dagger.

The book's cover read 'Till Death Do Us Part' in Asgardian but thats not what interested you. Without thinking, you picked up the dagger and closely inspected the blade. On the bottom of the handle, 'forever and always' was etched in gold.

You gave him the dagger as a gift 200 years ago.


Oli <3

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Oli <3

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