Chapter 20: Jupiter and Fårikål

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    After Wanda's training, everyone seemed to have disapeared. You took this oppurtunity to make an Asgardian meal for their return. You happily jumped around the vaccant kitchen looking for proper ingrediants and tools. Desperatily needing mint, you decided to take a couple leaves from Pepper's plant in the living room. Surely she wouldn't mind. You plucked the healthiest looking leaves, distractedely. You looked around the tower, finally taking in each detail. Ever since you had arrived, you'd been so busy with training and avenging that you couldn't truly appreciate the beauty around you.

    Each little detail was perfect until you saw a pair of glowing eyes from under the couch. You placed the mint down carefully on the pool table and tiptoed over to the couch. Getting on one knee, you ducked your head down giving you perfect sight of the emerald eyes under the velvetly couch. You squinted your eyes for better focus. It was a cat.

    "Hi, little bud." You cooed to the cat who was staring daggers at you. It's face lightened up as it emerged slowly from under the seat. It was a beautiful black cat with fluffy fur and emerald eyes.

    "No collar, I guess you're a stray." You observed and scoop it up. You placed it gently on the counter and continued working, "I guess, since you're here I can rant about my problems." You stated and looked over to the cat who practically nodded their aproval.

    "I think I'm falling in love. That sounds great, but it's not. I shouldn't love this guy. And I don't, but he's so charming. He's the only one that really understands me, but he hurt me. You actually remind me of him." You vented to the cat. The cat's face faltered for second at your last line.

    You continued to cook with some assitance from the cat which you named Jupiter. When you began adding your finishing touches to the meal, the team shuffled into the living room, drenched in sweat and covered in dirt.

"Thanks for listening, Jupiter." You pet the cat before they darted off.

"I smell Fårikål!" You heard Thor yell from the living room. You laughed and carried the dishes of food to the dining room.

"I made it for everyone!" You exclaimed. The team sat around the table and began to shovel the mutton onto their plates.

"Where's Loki?" You asked as you piled food into your bowl.

"I think he's in his room. Want me to make an announcement?" Tony offered in between bites of cabbage. You nodded and began digging into your dish.

"What exactly is this?" Peter asked nervously, as he poked the food in front of him.

"It's an Asgardian dish, Fårikål. Made of mutton and cabbage." You told him. Loki grumpily emerged from the elevator while Peter was taking his first bite.

"Loki! I made Fårikål! Your favorite!" You greeted him. You dashed from your chair to him and dragged him to his seat. You noticed a green shimmer encasing the top of his head. An illusion.

"I have no idea where you get your energy from." Loki groaned. His face lit up when he looked down at his favorite childhood dish.

"I don't know either." You laughed and sat back down at your assigned chair.


I actually forgot to update all day, my bad..

Olivia <3

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