Chapter 33: Redo Feast

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    Thor and Wanda had left your room. Supposedly Wanda was tired and wanted to go to her quarters.

    "She seemed fine to me." You told Loki once you were sure they were gone.

    "Yeah, I wonder what that was about." Loki replied softly as he scanned your bookshelf.

    "What are you looking for?" You asked him.

     "Nothing, just admiring at your collection. You have a lot of Midgardian items in here." He observed.

    "Yeah, well after our..fight, Thor began visiting Earth more often so I made friends with the merchant that would pass through here. She always gave me discounts on whatever Midgardian objects she found." You explained. He listened to every word you spoke.

    "If the merchant is here then you should definitely introduce me. I need more Midgardian literature for my room." He suggested.

    "Of course, but don't get any ideas. She is happily a lesbian." You told him.

    "I wouldn't dream of it, I'm more interested in someone else." He glanced at you for a moment before picking up an small pin that laid carefully in front of a photo of your parents.

    "What is this?" He inspected it.

    "It was my dad's favorite pin. He wore it whenever he went into battle." You laughed at the memory of your dad pinning the goofy smiley face to his armor.

"So, Y/n. I was wondering if today I could completely make it up to you. A redo feast since the last one we had together was a disaster." Loki changed the subject.

"I'd love that, Lokes." You smiled at him.


You got deja vu as you sat carefully in your seat that was between Sif and Loki. Of course Sif was shoveling every bit of food into her mouth as was Thor. You nervously chewed on your steak while Loki ate at his salad.

    "At least eat something fun." You joked at him. He chuckled and scooped a bit of mashed potatoes onto his plate.

    "Are you happy now?" He asked.

    "Very much so, thank you." You smiled.

    "Anything for you." He whispered on accident. You felt your heart flutter and stomach swell up.

    "Since this is a redo feast, will we look at the stars after?" You questioned.

    "If that's what you would like." He told you.

    "That is exactly what I want." You responded. The rest of the dinner was filled with conversation from every direction. Finally around dessert, you and Loki managed to escape to the lake.

    "Hey, it's not cold this time." You laughed and sat yourself carefully on the blanket he laid out.

    "Now is it cold?" Loki asked grabbing your arm. You felt a chill and saw your skin start to turn blue.

"Careful, Loki." You warned him. He nodded and released your arm.

"A magician can't have his fun." He sighed. You chuckled and laid back onto the blanket staring at the empty sky.

"Theres no stars." You frowned. Loki turned over to look at you, then shot a green wisp into the sky. Fireworks began shooting off in different patterns.

"Is that better?" He asked smugly.

"Much." You whispered in awe. Most of the fireworks were basic and of course in his signature colors but you could've sworn a couple of them were hearts. Instead of watching his work, Loki watched your reactions at each shape and color.

It didn't go unnoticed that your lips curled into a smile at every heart that flashed in the dark night sky.

"Consider this an add on to my apology because you deserved a much bigger one." He spoke once the fireworks ended.

"Apology accepted, your majesty." You replied and sat up to face him. He smiled and tucked a misbehaving hair from your face, behind your ear.


Ugh get a room 🙄 Anyways listen to my Loki playlist on Spotify!

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Ugh get a room 🙄 Anyways listen to my Loki playlist on Spotify!

Olivia <3

For Asgard | Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now