Chapter 10: Beach Day

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"Stark it is so insufferably hot in here." You whined. The AC in the tower went out a week ago and you and Loki were baking worse than the others.

"It's really not that bad." He told you. He peeled his shirt off and threw on the couch next to Steve.

"I'm literally going to melt." You told him. You were struggling with your powers and maintaining your Asgardian form in front of the team.

"Darling, stop trying to hide." Loki told you from the kitchen island. You were so exhausted that you just complied, turning into your Jotun form.

    "Why don't I take them to the beach?" Wanda offered.

"Why don't we all go?" Peter suggested. Tony rolled his eyes and gave permission.

    "I have a bathing suit you can borrow, come here." Wanda grabbed your hand and lead you into the elevator.

"Did you hear Loki call you 'darling'?" She asked once the doors were closed.

   "What? No." You replied. You let a wave of blue shimmer over you changing you back to your natural skin color. She lead you to her room with her hand on your upper back in case you fainted and handed you a black bikini that looked about your size.

    You quickly changed as did Wanda. She wore a gorgeous red one piece that matched her magic.


   "Last one in the water is a rotten egg!" Pietro shouted. He zoomed into the water and Peter chased after him along with Steve and Bucky. Thor ripped his shirt off and splashed into the sea like a child.

"Absolute children." Loki complained. Tony rolled his eyes and ran into the water for Peter with a bottle of sunscreen in his hand. Wanda laid on her towel and started to tan while Vision focused on a Shakespeare book.

Loki winced lightly and leaned back into his chair. The boiling sun burned his pasty complexion quickly.

"Lokes, do you need to cool down?" You asked, worried.

"No, I'm fine." He lied. You scoffed at his fib and turned over to face him.

"If I'm dying of heat stroke then you must be as well." You responded. He rolled his eyes and turned to face you.

   "I'll beat you into the water." You challenged him. You stood up and peeled your shirt off. He locked eyes with you copied your motions. His shirt slipped off revealing his lean figure. You bit your lip before darting off to the water. His smile faded and he chased after you.

"You're an idiot!" He yelled to you then teleported in front of you. You tripped and landed on your elbows.

    "Shit." You growled and scurried up and into the ocean where Loki was swimming smugly.

"Cheater!" You told him and sent a mini wave of water his way. He sputtered at the water in his face and tackled you into the ocean.

"Be careful with your words, little one." He helped you up before hoisting you over his shoulders.

"Loki put me down!" You whined and scratched at his back. He chuckled and launched you to the sea. You landed with a splash in front of Nat and Pietro. Nat laughed and you and pulled you back onto your feet.

     "That was cute, now hurl him across the sea!" Nat jokingly commanded. You winked at her and swirled your fingers in the air. The salty water complied and lifted Loki into the air. Pure panic plastered itself on his face as he struggled to leave the ocean's grip. You chuckled at him and tossed him up only a few feet in the air at first. After a couple of those throws, you launched him in your direction.

    He let out a small gasp when he resurfaced. He was bent over panting in front of you and the twins, struggling to get words out. You tilted his head up with two of your fingers and smirked at him.

"Don't fuck with me again." You growled at him. He gulped and nodded in response. You chuckled and pushed him back into the water.


Oli <3

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