Chapter 30: Queen Behavior

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    "Thor, when do we leave?" You asked the god who was sitting beside Wanda and Vision.

    "Soon, remember your Asgardian attire." Thor reminded you.

    "Of course, how could I forget those dreadful floor length dresses?" You joked. Thor and Wanda chuckled while Vision awkwardly smiled at your joke.

    "I don't get it." Vision admitted.

    "It's ok, dad. I mean Vision, shit!" You groaned and face-palmed yourself.

    "Do you see me as a father figure, Y/n?" Vision asked as a grin started growing on his crimson face.

    "What? No!" You lied with panic lacing your voice. Wanda and Thor began dying of laughter and somehow found themselves on the floor holding each others hands for support.

    "Does that make me a mom?" Wanda wheezed through her laughs.

    "You'd be a great mother, Wanda." You told her. Thor agreed and finally his laughing ceased and brought himself back onto his sofa.

    "This is my thirteenth reason." Vision jested.

    "Damn you Peter!" Wanda laughed. You started chuckling at this and found yourself on the ground beside Wanda.

   "What in the nines did I walk in on?" Loki's voice met your ears.

    "Chaos." Vision warned him.

    "Y/n called Vision dad and then Vision used the gen z lingo that Peter taught him. We're in a fragile state, brother." Thor explained to Loki.

   "Got a crush on the robot?" Loki teased as he slipped into your spot on the couch.

    "Dad not daddy." You informed him. His face turned as red as Vision's and he buried his head in his hands.

    "You're insufferable." His voice was muffled due to his hands.

    "And you're in my spot." You scolded. He removed his hand from his face and looked up at you with a smirk.

    "I'm not moving." He told you slyly. You chuckled, "fine." You stood up slowly and brushed off your sweatpants before sitting yourself comfortably on his lap.

    "Um, Y/n." He whispered.

    "You said you weren't moving." You chuckled. He rolled his eyes and wrapped his arms around your waist. You turned your head around to face him, "what are you doing?" You whispered.

   "So you don't fall." He smiled and tilted his head up.

    "How the hel would I fall?" You asked the trickster who was currently holding onto you for dear life.

    "No idea, you're awfully clumsy." He laughed quietly.

     "Y/n, we should start getting ready for Asgard." Wanda suggested. Loki growled and released you from his embrace.

    "Wait are you coming with us?" You questioned excitedly.

    "Yea, Thor said they needed an Avengers rep who wouldn't be biased like the two of you." Wanda pointed at you and Thor. You happily grabbed her wrist and teleported the two of you to your room.

    "I can't wait to show you my home!" You exclaimed as you through one of your Asgardian dresses in her face.

    "I can't wait to meet your friends over there!" She told you as she pulled off her lounge clothes.

    "I don't have many friends over there, just Sif and Fandral." You admitted.

    "Thats okay, I'm sure they're lovely." Wanda smiled.

    "They are, Sif is a powerful warrior. Sort of like Nat and Fandral is a flirt so beware." You warned her. She chuckled and finally slipped the silky dress over her head.

    "It fits perfectly!" She grinned as she twirled around in front of your mirror.

    "Queen behavior." You joked and snapped a picture of the two of you in the mirror.


I just read 'Get On Your Knees And Pray For Me' on A03 and now I'm in a very fragile state

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I just read 'Get On Your Knees And Pray For Me' on A03 and now I'm in a very fragile state.

Olivia <3

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