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New book yay! In this part, Loki is 16, Thor is 17 and you're 15 in human years, to clarify things.

You cheered loudly and hopped off the tall cliff into the body of sparkling water at least twenty feet below.

"I can't believe you actually did that!" Thor's voice met your ears when you resurfaced. You chuckled and ruffled his hair, "Of course I did. I can't back down from a simple challenge." You replied.

"My lady is brave." Loki teased from the shore.

"Oh quiet you." You growled and sent water in his direction.

"Hey! You got water on my book." He whined. You stuck your tongue out at him in response.

"You're such a child." He told you.

   "I'm only 50 years younger than you!" You exclaimed.

"You're both children, I'm way older." Thor boomed and placed his hand on the top of your head.

   "You are all children. Come now, its time for dinner." The queens angelic voiced chimed from behind Loki.

"Coming mother!" The boys complied in unison.

   "Coming your majesty." You said respectfully. You raised your hands up and the water beneath you followed your motions, carrying you carefully to the shore. You snapped your fingers and dried your clothes before curtsying to Frigga.

"Y/n, you don't need to curtsy for me. We've known your family for years." She told you softly. You raised yourself from the curtsy and smiled at her.

    "You're getting quite good with your powers." She told you as you walked towards the palace.


    "Do you want any hog?" You asked Loki who sat besides you at the dinner table.

    "No thank you." He replied in monotone. All his happy emotions from earlier were gone. His face was expressionless and his actions were stiff and proper.

"Sif would you like some?" You offered the fierce warrior who was sitting on your left.

    "Yes please!" She replied through a mouth of food. Dinner came and went. After eating, you found yourself under the stars with Loki.

"It's chilly out." You told the boy next to you. It was suspiciously cold out especially since it was Asgard's summer season.

"It is." Loki said cautiously. The bushes behind you rustled and the wind picked up.

"What the hell?" You whispered. The grass below you was a frosted white.

"Oh my stars look out!" You cried. You pushed Loki aside with pure panic on your face as a giant blue creature with glowing red eyes approached you. It grabbed your wrist and pulled your body up to its face, but your skin didn't burn like the books said would.

You looked down at your hands. They were the same shade of blue as the hands wrapped around your wrist.

"You're a monster!" Loki gasped from the sidelines. He scrambled on to his feet and darted the castle.

You sunk your teeth into the frost giants finger in desperation. He dropped your flailing body onto the ground. You sprained your ankle on impact but wasted no time helping yourself up and escaping to the palace.

Frigga caught you limping down the royal quarters corridor and pulled you into her office.

"Y/n, tell me what happened, love." You frantically explained what happened as your skin switched between its natural color and blue.

Loki burst into the office, dragging Odin by the hand behind him.

"See father! She's a monster." He cried and pointed his finger aggressively at your sobbing figure.

"What on Asgard are you talking about? She looks like a normal Asgardian to me." Odin responded. You looked at Frigga confused and she shot you a wink before turning to face her son and husband.

"She was attacked by a frost giant." Frigga explained. Loki groaned and stomped out of the office and Odin followed to scold him.

"We will keep this a secret, if you wish." Frigga told you gently. You nodded your head and sniffled before exiting the office with her illusion placed over you.

(150 years later)

"Lady Y/n." Thor knocked on your open door.

"Oh goody you're back from Midgard! I missed you." You hopped of your bed and ran to hug the tall god standing in your doorway.

"How's my favorite goddess?" He asked warmly.

"Alive, sadly." You joked.

"I come with news." He told you seriously. 

"Good or bad?" You questioned. He paused for a second before responding.

"Both." He said confidently.

"Hit me." You ordered and plopped yourself onto your king sized bed.

"I'm taking you to Midgard, but its on a mission." He told you carefully.

"Whats the mission?"


Oli <3

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Oli <3

For Asgard | Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now