Chapter 38: Beggin'

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Clattering silverware filled the room as Wanda and Vision began setting out plates piled with food on the dining table. As per usual, Wanda's cooking was perfect.

"Personally, I'd like a hint on my gift." Tony slyly slid his elbows onto the table and rested his chin carefully on his hands.

"Why are you directing that to me? Ask Thor, he's easier to break." You suggested and pointed your butter knife towards Thor who was eating his breakfast like a glutton.

"Because, you spent the most." Tony smiled and popped a blueberry into his mouth.

"I'm not telling." You told him and scooped a spoonful of your oatmeal.

"I better have the most expensive gift." He pouted. He looked at you with a hopeful look only for you to shake your head.

"Who has the most expensive gift then?" He asked through chews.

    "Tony don't talk with food in your mouth." Pepper scolded from next to him. He rolled his eyes and swallowed all of his food before speaking again.

    "Is it Wanda?" He guessed. You took a sip of your orange juice before replying, "she's a close second." You admitted.

    "Nat? Clint? Steve? Bucky?" He continued.

    "None of those," you and Wanda both confirmed.

    "Peter, Pietro, Vision, Bruce?" Bucky now joined in on the guessing.

    "No, no, no and no." You laughed.

"Thor?" Tony guessed. Loki watched from his chair. He wasn't even surprised that they had forgotten to include him. You shook your head at Tony's guess and continued on eating.

"Then who the hell is it?!" Bucky exclaimed.

"Me, obviously," you lied. They rolled their eyes and exchanged a look. Tony's face lit up and he turned back to you.

"Oh my god, is it your boyfriend?!" He questioned.

"I don't have a boyfriend." You simply avoided his question. You knew exactly who he was talking about but elected to ignore it.

"You know I mean Loki." Tony told you. Loki head shot up and his eyes darted to the interaction between you and Tony.

"He's not my boyfriend." You reminded Tony.

"Did you buy him the most expensive gift?" Tony looped back around to his original questioned. You coughed and shoveled some of your breakfast into your mouth.

"What did you get him, Y/n?" Bucky asked and mimicked Tony's position.

"Not telling since, he's listening." You raised your voice, causing Loki to look back down at his plate. Poking each piece of food with the middle prong of his fork.


To escape Tony's badgering, you hid in the library after breakfast. Somehow, Loki had convinced you to read the Harry Potter. You were currently reading the third book in the series for the second time.

"What did you get me?" Loki's low and icy tone snuck up behind you.

"That is a surprise, my dear." You told him.

"Aw but you can tell me. I'll act surprised." He responded innocently.

"You're cute when you beg." You winked at him and booped his nose. He blinked to process what you had just told him.

"I-I am not begging." He whined. You laughed and pulled him over the back of the couch causing him tumble onto the very edge of the cushion.

"Stop laughing at me!" He whined some more.

"Aw, I'm sorry." You suppressed your giggles and cupped his face with your hand until he lifted himself properly onto the sofa.

"How are you liking the series so far?" He asked you; never breaking eye contact.

"It's excellent, I'm rereading this book just for the Sirius character. I find it amazing how they can shape-shift but only into one specific animal. Also Hermione's cat is my absolute favorite and- oh I'm sorry am I talking to much?" You managed to get out all in one breath. Loki still hadn't broke eye contact and he was listening to every word you said.

"No, of course not." He replied with a genuine smile.

"Are you sure?" You asked. He grabbed your hands in a reassuring way, "Look, I don't care what you talk about. Can you just keep talking?"

"Sounds like you're begging again." You chuckled. He laughed and leaned back onto the couch, watching as you continued discussing your favorite parts of the book and all of your theories.


Its called ✨deflecting✨ Anyways I'm rewatching WandaVision because I'm sad

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Its called ✨deflecting✨ Anyways I'm rewatching WandaVision because I'm sad.

Olivia <3

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