Chapter 11: Tony the Hypocrite

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"We smell of the fishies!" Thor exclaimed when you were all finally out of the ocean.

"Thats gross, sparkles." You told him and tossed a large blue towel his way. You let a wave of wind circle around you to dry you off. Loki had the same idea, a green shimmer washed over him and he was dry with somewhat fluffy hair.

"I thought you put those pretty power stoppers on him, Stark." You observed.

"Limiters, not stoppers. He can still perform small acts of magic." Tony explained.

"How are you going to tell the whole world to trust him when you or S.H.I.E.L.D can't even do so? It's quite hypocritical of you." You told him. Loki watched your interaction confused as he slowly put his shirt back on.

Tony looked at you, bewildered, "Are you saying that you can trust him?" He finally asked.

"That's not my place. I have very mixed feelings on the topic but you're the one pulling the shots. You lied to the public and he can't properly make amends with the Avengers and Earth if you don't give him a chance to do so," you started, "and I know you don't like him. But if this persists then he's going to be here for a very long time." You finished your rant and placed your t-shirt around your neck. The team stared at you, stunned. As did Loki.

Instead of responding, Tony pulled out his signature glasses and said some incoherent command. The the silver clasps around Loki's wrists beeped and fell of into the sand. Tony walked off grumpily and the rest of the team followed, quietly protesting.

Loki took a step forward and placed his cool hand on your lower back, "Thank you." He whispered.

"Stop trying to enchant me." You told him. He chuckled and removed his hand from your shivering figure,

"Worth a try." He jested. You laughed slightly and headed towards the parking lot.


"Peter! Where did you hide my daggers?!" You yelled out into the open common space. Peter was innocently sitting on a barstool swinging his legs and sipping on a juice box.

"Where did you hide my daggers?" You repeated. He shrugged and slurped down the rest of the fruit punch from the pouch before tossing it into a trash can.

      "Come on Pete, I need them for training." You whined.

"They're so shiny." Peter avoided your question.

      "Yes they are, and they're also very important." You replied.

"Pete where are they you little gremlin?" Your tone turned serious.

      "Has anyone seen my daggers? They're very important. They have black handles with words engraved in them." You announce to the group that sat in the living room. They all shook their heads.

"Dammit." You muttered and walked off.


You stomped into your room and searched the entire space for your daggers. You checked under your bed where you found an old empty cereal box. Behind your nightstand you found a green lace choker.

"Hot." You whispered and continued your search.

A knock came to your door. You slowly sat up and creaked your door open. Loki stood on the other side bouncing on his toes.

"I came to return your daggers, the spiderling gave them to me thinking they were mine." He told you.

"Oh thank the stars, I was looking everywhere for them." You grabbed the blades from him and tossed them on your bed.

"Y/n, can we talk?" Loki asked seriously.

"Um sure, come in." You responded.


Oli <3

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