Chapter 37: Christmas Prep

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When you returned home, Loki decided to take Vision's advice. He began to concoct a plan and the necklace he bought in Asgard would play a huge part in it.

"Ooh what's this?" Wanda asked and scooped up the golden necklace you bought from the mall.

"It's a gift for Loki. Maybe it'll actually make him realize that I lo-like him," you sighed and finished up your wrapping on Clint's bow.

"You love him?!" Wanda quickly sat on the floor beside you and place the necklace in your pile of stuff to wrap.

"I did a dumb thing." You simply responded.

"You fell in love!" She gasped. You only nodded and began to wrap Nat's gun.

"Dammit, I hate when Vis is right!" She groaned.

"I hate when men are right, period," you laughed.

"Hey!" Clint yelled and crashed through the vents and onto your bed.

"How long have you been spying on us??" Wanda quickly sat up and covered the presents best she could.

"Not for long, I didn't hear any love confessions." He nodded to you with a thumbs up. You rolled your eyes and hit him in the foot.

"Out!" You ordered and pointed at the door.

"Okay, just letting you know, you have my aproval!" He yelled as Wanda shoved him out the door.

"Ugh I don't need anyone's approval," you whined.

"But it is encouraging right?" Wanda asked skeptically.

"Sure," you sighed.


"Vision, I need your assistance." Loki barged into Vision's poorly decorated bedroom.

"How may I be of assistance, your majesty?" Vision asked respectfully.

"I have a plan for you know..telling Y/n how I feel." Loki grabbed a piece of parchment from thin air and spread it out on Vision's empty desk.

"Okay.." Vision approached him skeptically.

"I bought her this necklace on Asgard," he held up the snake necklace, "and I was thinking it could be her Christmas gift with a note."

"That doesn't sound like a plan, it just sounds like a thing you're going do." Vision observed.

"I'm not done, shush. So, on the note I'll include a scavenger hunt that will lead her to the library where I will confess my feelings!" Loki exclaimed.

"And you need my help with what?" Vision questioned.

"Helping me set up the scavenger hunt." Loki said as her rolled the parchment up.

"I wanna help!" Clint came crashing through the vent, landing on the floor by Vision's sofa.

"Why?" Loki inquired.

"Because, Y/n is like a daughter to me." Clint lied. He actually just wanted to help you date Loki so you could stop being grumpy.

"So has everyone adopted her?" Loki joked. Vision nodded and clapped Clint on the back.

    "Okay, lets go!" Loki pointed towards the door and began walking.

    "Wait!" Clint called.

    "What?" Loki halted and turned on his heel.

    "Why aren't we telling the team?" He asked.

    "..because I'm sure they don't care." Loki replied.

    "Yeah but if you tell them what you're doing then they won't try to stop her from going on the day of." Clint stated.

    "No, no, he has a point." Vision deadpanned and pointed to Clint who was rocking on his heel.

    "Fine, whatever, lets go." Loki urged and gestured for them to follow.


Clint is just in a silly goofy mood

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Clint is just in a silly goofy mood.

Olivia <3

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