Chapter 5: Defrosting

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It was early morning as you paced across your room. Last night was a mess, your frost giant form was revealed and Thor cut deep with his words. The strangest thing was Loki's concern, why did he seem to care?

  Your thoughts were so crowded with confusion, anger and sadness that you started to lose control of your powers. Patches of grass started growing over the wooded floors as vines grew over the floor to ceiling windows. Your mind kept flashing the events of last night over and over in your head and with that a waterfall was formed in your bathroom.

You snapped out of your trance and all the things you involuntarily created faded from reality. You pulled on a hoodie that Wanda gifted you and beelined for Loki's room. Careful not to wake anyone, you knocked on his door and waited patiently for him to answer.

  "Yes?" He asked as the door creaked open.

"Oh good morning." He greeted with a strangely genuine smile.

   "No! Terrible morning." You told him. He furrowed his eyebrows and looked down at you.

"I have to go downstairs and face all the Midgardians that watched me have a breakdown last night and who saw me in my Jotun form." You explained.

    "It'll be okay, Y/n. Trust me." He cooed.

"Why should I trust you?" You snapped.

    "I'm not saying trust me on everything, but trust me right now." He pleaded gently.

"Whatever...thanks." You replied before speeding off to the elevator.

     Behind you, Loki's lips accidentally curled into a smile. He let out a small sigh and shut his door.


You held your breath as the elevator doors slowly opened, revealing the team hanging out in the living room as always.

"Y/n, we need to talk." Thor started.

"Its too early for your bullshit, Thor." You told him and plopped onto the couch next to Wanda who was braiding her own silky hair.

"So is nobody going to talk about the elephant in the room?" Tony eventually spoke up.

"What do you want to know, Stark?" You asked him.

"Why were you blue last night? And why did Thor say all those shitty things to you? And why was Wanda not freaked at all??" Tony spat out all his questions.

"I'm a frost giant and the cold triggers that, Thor said all those things because we were all raised to think that frost giants were horrible monsters and Wanda did freak because she already knew." You responded quicker then Pietro could run.

    "Personally, I thought you looked really cool." Clint finally said, breaking the awkward silence.

"As did I." Thor agreed.

    "Can it, sparkles. Thanks Clint." You told them.

    "Relax, popsicle." Tony told you jokingly. You rolled your eyes and chuckled at his nickname. You felt safe with them knowing your secret.


   "Friday?" You tried the robotic voice in the ceiling.

"Yes miss Y/n?" She responded.

   "Is there a library here by any chance?" You asked. Books were the only remedy to your boredom and reading was your only hobby back home.

"19th floor, miss." She told you.

   You shut your eyes and focused your energy on a few floors down. Within seconds you were in a new environment surrounded by shelves of books that stretched all the way across the entire floor. Stacks of books and boxes rested nicely in the corner along with a desk and computer.

   In front of the book shelves there were red and yellow circular couches. You heard a small noise coming from the fiction section, so you tiptoed carefully over.

   "Hello," Loki's warm honeyed voice met your ears.

"You've also discovered the library?" You jested. He chuckled lightly and place a few books carefully onto the shelf.

    "How was your talk with Thor's idiot friends?" He asked.

"It was short but sweet." You responded.

     "Thats good." He told you awkwardly.


I don't know what this is lol, anyway its 12 am and going to go write some more.

Oli <3

Oli <3

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