Chapter 12: Magic Camp

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"Whats up?" You asked. He awkwardly sat down on your loveseat and faced your direction,

"I strongly believe that Lady Wanda needs assistance with her magic," he started, "and I think that I've earned enough trust to help her." He finished and looked up at you with a hopeful look.

"It's quite honestly not my place to give you permission." You told him. His face faltered for a second. He stood up and began to walk to your door.

"But I do trust you." You added. A wide grin grew on his face before he left and closed the door behind him.


Loki made his way down to the training rooms where he knew someone of authority would be. Steve and Bucky were doing combat training while Pietro was switching between running the track and swimming laps in the pool. Wanda was shooting little red wisps at a little set up with stacked soda cans.

"Captain, I wish to assist Lady Wanda with her magic." He told Steve who was now taking a big sip of his water.

"I guess you can since I'm here to supervise." He sighed. Loki nodded his head and teleported behind Wanda.

"Hi Loki." Wanda sighed. She shot one last blast towards the aluminum can pyramid before turning to face the demigod behind her.

"Hello. Instead of shooting small blasts then one big powerful one, you should attempt to even out your magic into medium sized gusts." He suggested. She nodded and complied.

She shut her eyes and tight and let her chaos magic swirl in her hands. She carefully shot one then another into the air. She let the magic continue to flow in her palm as she focused on conjuring more for even blasts.

She struggled to focus on both tasks at once and accidentally sent one large blast towards the ceiling. A gaping hole now sat above their heads.

"No worries," Loki assured her and sent his green magic towards the roof. The damage reversed and the rupture closed.

"Magic is an art and in order to be good at it, your mind must be clear." He explained as she stared at him in amazement. He summoned small round pillows and tea and gestured for her to sit.

Suddenly the mission alarm rang through the tower.

"Sorry, I have to go." Wanda told Loki over the beeping. He inclined his head as she ran off with Steve, Bucky and Pietro.

Loki paced the training room floor, thinking of something to do while everyone was gone. He opted to his usual which was to read peacefully in the library.


He scanned the shelves for his favorite book. It was an Asgardian book he placed in the library since nobody went down there. He opened the leather novel and flipped to his favorite chapter, where the prince becomes king. He discovered a small slip of paper covering the text of the chapter.

Shutting the book and unfolding the scrap revealed a note with neat penmanship scribbled in pink ink.

Give the book a break, Loki. Find something new.

He sighed and slid the book back into place. He crumpled the note and shoved in his pocket; starting his search for a brand new favorite.

The rest of the day dragged on as he devoured more and more literature. When he completed a series he decided to come up with a plan for helping Wanda. He thought back to his childhood when Frigga taught him simple spell work like fireworks and then moved on to bigger things like illusions and telekinesis.

"Your mother would be proud." You spoke surely from the doorway. Loki jumped a bit at your sudden words.

    "Did I startle you?" You teased and jumped over the couch and into the seat beside him.

"How was the mission?" He asked you dryly as he continued to write.

"It went great, Wanda was able to keep a building from collapsing." You told him. You went on and on about your first mission and he listened to every word you said.


Oli <3

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