Chapter 8: Explanation

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"That did not fill me up at all." You announced when you finally left the Shawarma restaurant.

    "Me neither," Loki agreed.

"You Asgardians are bottomless pits, here take some money for ice cream." Tony handed you a twenty dollar bill before face palming, "or any other dessert." He added.

"Its okay Stark, he knows." You chuckled,

"C'mon, Lokes." He looked down at you confused at the nickname before running after you. You sprinted to the nearest ice cream place you could find, although you weren't familiar with New York so you struggled a bit.

   "It looks delicious." Loki said eyeing the ice cream you handed him.

"And its your signature colors, you're soulmates now." You jested. You took a lick of your favorite flavored ice cream and chuckled with joy. Within a few seconds your skin started to turn blue and your eyes a deep red.

   Loki didn't flinch or react harshly when he saw your true form. Instead he pulled a chair out for you and sat across the table from you. His ice cream started to drip down his wrist.

"Are you going to eat that or just let it melt for shits and giggles?" You asked him. He looked at you nervously before taking a lick of his mint ice cream. Your eyes widened in shock as his skin turned the same shade of blue as yours. His crimson red eyes snapped open and looked at you apologetically.

"B-but what?" You asked confused.

You couldn't tell if you should be angry or sad or comforting so you went to your default: confused.

"You deserve an explanation," he started. "Obviously, I am also of Jotunheim, but I didn't find out until a few years ago. Odin kept it a adopted me from Laufey and kept it a secret." He explained carefully, watching your expressions.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Your voice cracked. He reached across the table and placed his hand on yours.

"I wanted to apologize. I truly did but I didn't know how you would react or if we would ever get our friendship back to how it was." He answered. You scanned his face and tone of voice for a lie but his words were one hundred percent genuine and truthful.


"Stark are you kidding me?!" Fury burst into the Avengers tower where everyone was sitting playing Uno. Tony looked up at Fury who's vain was practically popping out of his head.

"Sorry I didn't invite you but you can join in next round." Tony gestured to the cards sprawled out on the coffee table.

"I don't care about a silly card game! I care about the fact that you let two Jotun demigods out in public without your supervision. Nobody knows if we can trust them and the media is freaking out." Fury explained. He held up pictures of you and Loki at the ice cream parlor.

   Loki's skin flushed and he turned to face Thor who was scratching his head furiously. Thor opened his mouth to talk and Loki's hand immediately darted to your hand for comfort.

   "Is everyone in Asgard just secretly of Jotunheim?" Thor finally asked. You chuckled and conjured ice cold rain over Thor's head. It splattered on his crunchy hair and trickled down his skin. He freaked out but nothing happened to his skin or eyes.

"I guess not." You sighed and with that the water vanished.

   "This is serious, Stark. These two are on house arrest until you officially announce their presence and intentions." Fury told Tony who was reshuffling the deck. He stormed out after Tony responded with his normal witty remarks.

   "I can't be on house arrest, I'm supposed to be an Avenger." You whined to Tony. He sighed and passed out cards to everyone playing.

"I'll set up a press conference for tomorrow if you quit your whining." He told you firmly.


Oli <3

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