Chapter 9: Press Conference

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It was the morning of the press conference and you were pacing back in forth in your room, trying to decided on an outfit.

"You'll look great no matter what you wear." Wanda told you as she filed her nails.

   "What are you going to wear?" You asked her. She held up a finger and ran out of your room. You sat yourself on your bed and waited for her to come back.

She entered your room in a creamy white suit with her hair flipped to the side. You jaw dropped. She giggled and twirled around.

"Can you just marry me already?" You begged. She laughed and sat on the bed next to you.

"I can't leave Vision. Not even for your pretty face." She squished your cheeks and chuckled.

"Thats not fair, I'm so lonely." You whined.

"Okay how about Nat?" She asked.

"She's with Bruce." You replied.

"Tony?" She asked.

"With Pepper, also gross." You told her.

"Thor?" She questioned.

"With Jane and he's like a brother."

She let out a large sigh, "Bucky, Steve, Pietro, Peter and last but not least, Loki."

You rolled your eyes ready to retort, "Bucky and Steve are together, Pietro is too childish, Peter is a child and Loki." You paused.

"What about Loki?" She asked with a big grin on her face.

"We're barely even friends." You replied. She scoffed and jabbed you in the side.

  "Ow!" You exclaimed.

"Oh you're fine, but you like him." She teased.

"I do not, plus he'd rather date himself then any available person in the multiverse." You retorted.


"That color suits you." Thor complimented as your stepped into the elevator with the rest of the team.

"What do you think Loki?" He asked the god who was staring you up and down from the corner of the confined space.

"She looks adequate." He coughed and adverted his eyes to the ground. He stood taller than anyone else on the team. His gorgeous all black suit made him look stunning. You stared for a bit too long before Wanda snapped you back into reality.

"Okay, just try to give short answers to any questions. We'll do most of the talking." Tony told you and Loki. The team made their way across the stage as bright and blinding lights flashed in your face. Tony stood at the podium and began to speak.

You and Loki tried your best to cower to the far right of the stage, not wanting to be seen or ambushed.

"Mr. Stark, who's the girl and does she have any connection to the attack on New York?" a female reporter asked.

"She's Asgardian and a new addition to the team. She's here on mission to supervise Loki." He explained.

"Under who's orders?" A man inquired.

"Under the Allfather's." You answered. Loki's hand brushed against yours. To avoid any awkwardness, he quickly brought his hand up to hair and brushed through it. You snickered silently at him.

       More and more questions were hurled at you and Loki until you were so tired you couldn't stand. You hitched your dress up and sat on your knees waiting for the conference to finish. Loki shortly joined you. His posture was perfect and his hands rested neatly in his lap.

     "You look like you've had some practice." You teased.

He looked down at you and chuckled, "and you look like you haven't done this a day in your life." You clasped your hand over your mouth in shock and rolled backwards laughing. Loki stuck his hand out and pulled you back up.

"I think that was my 13th reason." You finally said when you were done laughing. He rolled his eyes and pushed you back onto the ground.


Oli <3

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