Chapter 19: Jealousy, Jealousy

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    After a while of sitting in the dark silence, Loki eventually fell asleep as well. By the time morning rolled around, you were both sleeping peacefully on his loveseat.

    The Avengers hadn't heard about your date disaster. This morning, their mission was finding you. You weren't in your room, or Wanda's or the library. Thor expected that his brother knew where you were so headed straight to Loki's cave. It was pretty much a cave, it was dark but elegant, and extremely secluded.

    A knock came to Loki's door, awaking him instantly. Without asking, Thor entered the room.

    "Loki have you seen..oh." Thor stared blankly at the scene in front of him. You were resting softly on Loki's lap with Loki's hand in your soft hair. A finger was pressed to his lips, signaling for Thor to quiet his tone.

    "Why do you need her?" Loki asked

    "The team wished to learn about her date." Thor stated.

     "It was a disaster, thats why she's here." Loki didn't dare to elaborate. He wanted to how Thor would react to the situation.

    "You like her, brother." Thor smiled. Loki rolled his eyes.

    "Go away, oaf." Loki ordered. Thor chuckled and exited the room, closing the door slowly behind him.

    "Darling, love, wake up." Loki slowly shook you awake. He carefully lifted you off his lap as you began to wake up.

    "I don't wanna." You whined and curled back up on his lap, "you're comfy." You sighed. He chuckled and brushed his hand through your bed head.

    "The team wants to know about your date." He told you.

    "Ugh don't remind me of that disaster." You groaned.


    "I'm assuming the date was awful." Tony pried as he began to taking your measurements for a new suit.

    "Why is everyone so interested in my date. It was terrible." You cried. He laughed and wrote down the rest of your sizes. You hoisted yourself onto one of his work tables and stole a blueberry from his stash.

    "Thor told us he walked in on something interesting this morning," Tony probed. You groaned very dramatically and teleported to the living room.

    "Can you maybe not do that?" Bruce asked as you dusted off your pants.

    "Ooh is that Loki's?" Nat gestured to the hoodie, Loki had given you the night prior.

    "Possibly, I can't remember much of last night," you lied. Loki snickered from the corner of the room. He was curled up on an armchair with his nose buried in an old leather book from Asgard. His hair was in a messy man bun that perfectly framed his adorable face.

    "Lokiiiii." Wanda called from the elevator she had just exited.

    "What, Wanda? You're testing my patience after last night." He scolded the energetic witchling who bouncing around the living room.

    "What do you mean?" She asked him innocently.

     "You're insufferable, come on it's time for training. Y/n please come with." He requested. You nodded your head in agreement and followed him and Wanda down to the training rooms. You sat with your legs crossed against a support beam and watched as Loki taught Wanda new forms of magic. Every time Loki's hands found themselves positioning Wanda's footing or the height of her hands, you felt a foreign feeling grow in the pit of your stomach.

    Wanda sent a red blast towards the makeshift targets they had set up. Loki began sending in distractions to make it feel more like the battle field. Every few seconds he'd create gunshot noises or create illusions that resembled earthlings.

    "Loki, her foot is off center." You told him and slurped down the last of your juice box. He cringed at the noise and pushed Wanda's foot over. For the rest of training you zoned out. A part of you didn't want to watch Loki adjust Wanda's positioning, and another part of you felt bad about missing out on Wanda's training.


Olivia <3

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