Chapter 3: Words

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Loki entered the living room, "there is absolutely nothing to eat. Why do you have that?!" You looked up at him and dropped the dagger. Unfortunately it landed on your foot and cut through.

"Ow fuck." You winced at the sudden pain you were in.

  "You idiot." Loki growled. He approached you and hovered his hand over your foot. His green magic worked on your wound and within seconds you were healed.

"Do not touch my things again." He told you. To change the topic you sat up and headed to the kitchen.

"I'm sure we can make something, I saw plenty of food earlier. Follow me, I'm not a maid." You ordered. He ran to catch up with you with an extremely annoyed look on his face.

  "You know, we used to be friends." He stated very obviously as you searched the kitchen for ingredients.

"Really? I wonder what happened." You replied sarcastically and slammed down an aluminum can.

"I can't seem to remember." He lied. You scoffed and picked out a couple spices.

"Of course you don't remember. You're a narcist who craves attention, I bet you don't even remember why Lady Sif and the Warriors Three stopped speaking with you. You do this dumb thing where once people get close with you, you hurt them and the only person to ever forgive you was Thor." You snapped. His face morphed into guilt but only for a second.

"You don't know what you're talking about." He finally spat. You held up the knife in your hand to his throat.

"Shut up and help me." You commanded. He put his hands up and started to assist you in chopping up onions for the sauce.

For the remainder of the time you worked in silence. You also ate in silence. Everything was silent until the team returned home.

"How was the mission?" You asked without looking up from your book.

"It was a disaster." Tony admitted.

   "Oh? How so?" You questioned. Wanda nervously sat besides you and rested her head nicely on your shoulder. Tony sighed.

"She's upset because she almost killed somebody." He whispered.

   "I need better control of my magic." She stated. Loki scoffed.

"That is an understatement. You're a powerful witch and you need guidance." He said.

"I hope you're not insinuating that you teach her." You retorted.

"That's absurd. I'm insinuating that you teach her." He replied mockingly.

"I can't teach her, she uses magic. I use my powers." You told him.

He chuckled, "I suppose I'm the last resort."

"Absolutely not, Reindeer Games." Tony cut in. He shrugged and buried his nose back into his book.


"Wanda, are you alright?" You asked your new friend who was sitting on the edge of your bed zoning out.

"What if Loki was right? Do I need him as a teacher?" She spoke up, keeping her eyes locked on the ground.

"No, no, no! Don't let him get in your mind." You told her. You got up from your spot and places your arm over her shoulder.

"He's not in my head, I just want learn how to control my magic." She assured you.

   "If you truly want him as a teacher then talk to Tony, but I personally don't trust him." You reminded her.

"Why don't you trust him?" She asked.

     "It's a long and sort of embarrassing story." She gave you a pleading look. You sighed and started to explain how Loki betrayed you 150 years ago.

   "That could've cost you your place with the royal family huh?" She observed. You nodded sadly and tossed a grape into your mouth. 

She hesitated before asking,"Could I see your frost giant form?" You sighed and closed your eyes to focus. Within a couple seconds your skin started to turn blue. Gorgeous etched patterns covered your face and your eyes turned a bright crimson red.

   "Wow." She breathed out. You groaned and quickly changed back to you Asgardian form.

"Aw why'd you do that? You looked gorgeous." She comforted you. She scrunched her nose and squeezed your hand. You shot her a sad smile and threw yourself back onto your bed.


Oli <3

For Asgard | Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now