Story 1

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"Valka I'm sorry please forgive me" said a young T'Chaka as he got to his knees and begged Valka for forgiveness since hes going back to Wakanda and he was gonna bring her with him but couldn't because they couldn't interact with eachother as Valka got on her knees as well "dont worry you have future children to protect and a country to lead" Valka said as T'Chaka stood up from the ground as he looked at Valka "then please take care Valka" T'Chaka said as he exit out the door taking his luggage as Valka looked outside and saw an jet taking off the cloaking to blend it as T'Chaka removed his shirt as he had his usual Black panther suit as he put on his helmet as he waved at Valka as Valka waved back

T'Chaka finally reached to Wakanda as he saw in his throne with the rest of the border tribe elders "you did the right thing my king" an elderly woman said as the rest nodded as T'Chaka let out a sight of frustration "I just dont get it why cant I go out with someone that's a diffrent part of me" T'Chaka said as the tribe looked at eachother "it's not that your diffrent it's just that if you invite her here to Wakanda our secrets might be leaked to the outside world and if you people have children here who knows will that child be white or Black and more and more of them would spread around Wakanda and what then Wakanda will be populated with white pests" the older man said as T'Chaka pointed his finger at him "hey theres no need for that body language we just cant assume people by their color it's how they are born and raise that's how we judge by one" T'Chaka said as the elder man looked down In  shame

"Being here is what makes us diffrent from the outside world my king" the man with a large disk behind his lips said as the king nodded as he looked behind him and saw Wakanda as then the doors open to revial T'Chakas wife in a white dress as T'chaka smiled as he saw his now pregnant girlfriend

Time skip

Valka has been getting some funds from an unknown account as she knew who it was from her ex boyfriend T'Chaka as she was in the hospital as shes been feeling a bit of something in her stomach that has been making her dizzy as then the doctor came by with some papers "hey there Valka" he said as hes been her doctor for a couple of years "yes" Valka said as shes worried what the results are for "well how should I put this but in other news congratulations you are now a proud mother" The doc said as That shocked Valka as she touched her belly as she knew who's the father of the child but she had no way of contacting him

Another time skip

Valka was at a cafe as she has some tea to calm her nerves as she was gonna be a single mother but then someone came by the door a large bearted man with a fancy suit as he then spotted Valka "Val" the man said as Valka looked up to see her childhood best friend Stoick the Vast as Valka smiled at her friend "well if it ain't Stoick the vast" Valka said as they did they're friendly handshake as Stoick sat infront of her "ah Vali how long has it been" Stoick said giving Valka her old nickname as Valka smiled  "it's been too long  your getting old, old timer" Valka said as Stoick chuckled as a lady "Valka were about the same age" Stouck said as Valka looked down

"True so how you've been" Valka said as the waitress delivered Stoicks Coffee as he thanked the waiter as they both kept on talking "so hows life been treating you" Stoick said trying to catch up on their lifes but Valka just waved her hair "amm Fine just fine" Valka said as Stoick noticed the tone in her voice "Valka weve known eachother for far too long to know that not everything's all right" Stoick said leaning back against his chair looking at Valka as Valka let out a sight "well Stoick I'm pregnant" Valka said as she covered her eyes as Stoicks mouth dropped "Valka that's great so who's the father or does he not know yet" Stoick said as Valka didnt want to tell Stoick the truth and making him see things in a diffrent way

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