Talent show 31

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Hiccup p.o.v

I finally made it home as I sneak into the window not to wake up Astrid since shes still feeling a hit sick but I think shes feeling better as I then look at her and yeah she seems a bit better my queen I then took off my suit and slept on the bed and got some shut eye I atleast have an hour of sleep so better get some sleep

Time skip

I woke up to the sun hitting my eyes and my alarm as well as I turned around and saw Astrid was snuggled all on my back with a smile on her face as ai let out a sight as I then shut off my alarm and shook Astrids head "babe it's time to wake up" I said as Astrid groaned un annoyance as she snuggled more into my back "babe" I said as he then got to my neck "mmm no 5 more hours" Astrid said shes really into me as I fix my position as I wrap my arm around her shoulder as she wrapped her leg around my torso she was wearing her pajamas which she felt confterble in "come on babe we have to go to school" I said as she let out a groan of frustration

"No" she said as she then got on top of me as I can feel her butt rubbing all over me as I just wrap my arm around her waist as I could feel her hand grabbing mine and moving the palm of my hand touching her butt as I just gave a ferm squeeze as I lifted her chin and gave her a kiss on the lips as I could feel her getting closer and closer as I got all the way back shes getting good at this I'm a good teacher "babe if you get anymore absences your dad will kill me" I said weve been skipping classes way too much as she let out another annoying groan of annoyance "will just say we were in Wakanda" Astrid said wow she really wants to be with me "you know your dad is a human lie detector we cant escape him" I said as she got off of me

"Okay fine but you owe me Haddock" Astrid said as I just chuckled as we both then got up and got changed as we were at the door "Toothless take care of the house" I said as he roared but a light one as he raised his paw and layed it over Stormfly as we both then exit the door and went to my car as I opened the door for my lady as she then got in as I went to the other side and began driving eachother to school "so Hiccup have any clues on who's clothing was that" Astrid asked as I stopped at a red light "no not really schinematics are still scanning itll probably be done by when we come back" I said as I stepped on the pedal and bega driving

We then reach to our school as we  both got out and entered to our school as we saw people surrounding a wall as we both walked forword and saw it was a poster a talent show poster "yo Hiccup" I turn around and saw Snotlout as he had his arm wrapped around Ruff "hey Snotlout hey Ruff" I said as I fist pumped Snotlout while Astrid hugged Ruff "so you gonna participate on the talent show I heard the winner gets a week off of school" Snotlout said a week off that would actually work for me gives me more time on investigating the death of my parents "yeah sure obviously" I said

Astrid p.o.v

"So Astrid have you and Hiccup done it yet" Ruff said asking me about sex life with Hiccup as I dont want to say anything since I know Ruff she'll go and spread rumors about me and Hiccup but she also knows when I'm lying "alright Ruff yes me and Hiccup have done it and dont squeal" I said covering Ruffs mouth as I saw she was about to squeal as she then nodded as I took my hand off of her mouth "alright I wont say anything so how did it feel for your first time was it small" Ruff said om the opposite side Hiccup is really huge

"Ruff no it's not small I dont know how to say it properly" I said going into a thinking position "was it big like if someone attached a forearm on his member and with big muscles" Ruff said yeah almost like that and his a God walking among us "yeah like that he was amazing Ruff" I said remembering our first time it was by accident but I did enjoy it with every part of my soul I could've felt it going inside my womb" wow looks like you might want a famaly sooner or later" Ruff said yeah starting a famaly wouldnt be so bad but my parents will kill me and Hiccup if they found out I got pregnant before graduating

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