Assasins part 3/26

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Hiccup p.o.v

Once I regained my eyes I looked and saw Samuel hitting me repeditly with his staff as I raised my hands as an X motion as I twist his staff turning it on its side as I headbutted Samuel his armor is really thick better do as much as I can as I then kept on punching his pressure points on his chest to atleast try and make him numb as I didnt want to do much as it would kill him as I hit him 2 times across the face and elbowed him in the jaw as Samuel stumbled back as he let out a yell of annoyance as he tried to strike at me but me blocked and tried to do a roundhouse kick but he just blocked it with his staff

He then tried to push me with his staff but I monkey flipped the both of us as when I turned around I saw him raising his staff trying to hit me but I moved out of the way he then rolled over as he got to his footing as he tried to get me but I grabbed him by the waist and lifted him up in the air and spulexed him to the ground I then landed some devastating blows at him as he tried to do the same move again as I blocked his staff as he tried to do a 360 and I blocked but he moved out of the way and turned around as he tried to strike at me from above but I then blocked and grabbed his staff and with my strength I carried him over me and made him land on the ground hard

"You'll regret that" Samuel said as he grabbed another flashbang as I covered my eyes but I bearly had enough time to react as he striked at me with his staff repeditly again as he tried to push me but I grabbed his staff and kicked him in the chest pushing him back and making him let go of his staff as I looked at it "this is Vibranium WHERE DID YOU GET IT" I asked as he grabbed his sword that sword will be able to atleast cut me or if lucky leave a scar on my suit  "its top secret" he said he said as he ran at me as he rolled to the side but he tricked me as he was already over my head as he managed to slice my back "AGH" is all I could say as I touched my back and felt the Vibranium suit already healing itself

I then went for a kick but he dodged as I went for a punch but he blocked it with his sword he then tried to kick me as I moved to the side I then went for two crosses but he dodged them what the hell did he become faster all of a sudden no wait I know hes the adopter type hes trying to learn all my moved as I then went for a cross but he rolled over and ducked underneath as he tried to get me from above but I blocked and kicked him in the chest

He then grabbed something from his back as he shot at me as it was a disk as it attached itself to my suit it's a magnet as a zipline came out of it and attached itself to an explosive barrel hidden in the dark as it started flying towords me as I grabbed the barrel and threw it at Samuel as he dodged giving me enough time to grab the magnet and throw it as they must've irritated him as he tried to strike from my side but I managed to catch it between my palms as it was a battle of strength as we were both pushing back

I focused all my energy to the palm of my hands and elbowed him under his chin and kicked him in the chest as it made him furious as I hit him under his chin I then grab his blade and took it out of his hand as I elbowed his chest and kicked him to the walk "it's over Samuel" I said as he was out of breath not gonna lie Samuel is actually the first person to make me sweat and almost out of breath "what are you" he said as I threw his bac as it nearly took off his head giving me enough time to get close to him to hit him in the face and roundhouse kicking him in the jaw knocking him out

I grabbed his staff and pulled out the sword from the wall as I began scanning them by opening my palm "Astrid scan the metal and send it to Shuri" I said as I I waited for the results at the meantime

I grabbed some water from outside and threw it as Samuel's face as he woke up as I grabbed him by his armor and pinned him to the wall as I showed him his staff "where did you get this" I said as he then chuckled and spat some blood on the ground "wouldn't you like to know what want to know the color of my boxers" he said he thinks this is a joke if he has Vibranium then how many people also has Vibranium "I'm serious Samuel where did you get this" I said as I'm done playing around as he let out a sight "someone sold it to me I dont know who but hes the same man who ordered the hit on you" He said so the person who ordered the hit on me also has Vibranium so if he has Vibranium does that mean every single Assasin has Vibranium

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