secret lover 23

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Hiccup p.o.v

We packed our things and got dressed as we made it to the jet as I put it in auto pilot as we waited for Toothless's new girlfriend to get on as she finally went  inside as we were all sitting down as the jet got up and began flying towords the sky as all four of us then were cuddling against eachother as Toothless had his head over Stormflies head and I was putting my head over Astrids  as they both just slept during the whole trip

Ince they landed in the backyard the jet then turned invisible and flew away "come on girl let's see your new home" Astrid said as Stormfly began walking next to Astrid as they then walked inside as Stormfly looked around and amazed as she saw the big house as then she saw a bed laying there as she walked over there and just rested her head there as Toothless walked over there and wrapped his tail around her as he just slept behind her as then Stormfly then let out a growl as she bit on Toothless's paw and placed it on top of her as she scooted back

Normal p.o.v

"Ah they're so adorable" Astrid said as Hiccup then wrapped his arm over Astrids shoulder as they both walked to the couch and Hiccup turned on the TV as Astrid rested her head on Hiccups chest as Hiccup laid down on his back as all he wanted to do was just lay back and relax but he knows he cant because New york needs a Black rider out there defending the weak and helping the poor as then a news report showed up as it showed a bald man "in other news a court laws been happening against Anderew Far who's been accused of stealing homes robbing families and destroying families but no evidence to point his suspicion more on these news" the reporter said as Astrid led out a sight

"Why does this world have to be so corrupted" Astrid said as she led out a sight as Hiccup just wrapped his arms around her "it's the way life is people just being balance isnt enough all they want is more and more people change Astrid very slowly till they become what they are" Hiccup said as Astrid nodded at that response "well it's almost night time better go to work" Hiccup said as Astrid got off of him as she looked at Hiccup "alright take care babe" Astrid said as she gave Hiccup a kiss of goodbye for now "I'll be home for tomorrow at school" Hiccup said as he backed up a bit as he tapped on his chest twice as then his suit started appearing as he went out the front door

As Hiccup was on a rooftop as he saw how disappointed Astrid was when she saw about the guy Andrew Far as he decided to do something

Hiccup p.o.v

Andrew far is done ripping away people from their homes and destroying families it's time to do something as I looked at the building that Andrew Far was in as I saw a bunch of armed guards there with high military grade weapons there no problem with me I then jump towords the building as I extended my palm as I activated my claws as I digged deep into the building as I began looking at Andrew through the window as he was having fun with some woman 2 of them as they were all smiling well not for long as Andrew then went into a private room

I then cut off the lights since this building was so stupid they put the electric box at the side of the building as I cut the wires as I then made a whole in one of the windows big enough for me to crawl in as I then blended into the shadows as I then see some guards there aiming their weapons everywhere but they had some lazer pointers added to their weapons "quick someone activate the back up generator" Andrew said as one of his men left as I was crawling on the rooftop I then jumped down and jumped on top of one guard and launched a huge elbow blow to the head knocking him out

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