Assasin part 2/ 25

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Normal p.o.v

Hiccup was pulling up an all nighter but this time at home since he was scanning where hes bounty hunters could be as he couldn't find a trace nor where they could be as he looked at the time and saw it was already 5:21 as he was really tired he then heard footsteps but they were light as he turned around and saw Astrid trying to sneak up behind him seeing what he was trying to do "go to bed Astrid" Hiccup said as Astrids cover was blown as she came out of the shadows "I cant not without you" Astrid said as she wrapped her arms around Hiccups shoulder as Hiccup grabbed her hand and gave a light kiss

"Cant babe I got a lot of things to do get some sleep as you can we got school tomorrow" Hiccup said as Astrid had a thought "hey babe what if we miss a day of school" Astrid said as Hiccup gave her a look "babe I'm not gonna mess with your education just for me" Hiccup said as Astrid let out a sight as she then sat at Hiccups lap as Hiccup wrapped his arm around her waist "but it is just one day babe and all my grades are amazing" Astrid said as she wrapped her arms around Hiccup "well if you insist we can have a day off" Hiccup said as he kissed her in the forehead

"Hey when was the last time we went to go out and eat" Hiccup said as Astrid went into a thinking position "before Ruffs party" Astrid said as Hiccup nodded "hey how about we go and get something to eat in the afternoon" Hiccup said "yeah sure I would love that" Astrid said as she layd her head on Hiccups shoulder as Hiccup leaned his head there till they heard a pop "ah crap my back" Hiccup said as Astrid got off of him "damm I still get cramps" Hiccup said as Astrid went behind Hiccup and began massaging his shoulders as Hiccup leaned back on his chair "thanks" Hiccup said as he leaned and enjoyed the massage "I should buy a massage chair" Hiccup said looking at his chair

Time skip

Hiccup and Astrid were at Astrids parents house "so Hiccup your gonna be the next king of Wakanda" Ingrid said as Hiccup nodded his head at Astrids parents as Astrid grabbed Hiccups hand "well what does that mean for the both of you" Martin said as Astrid was the one to speak up "mom dad I want to move in with Hiccup go to Wakanda" Astrid said as her parents stared in awe "I know Wakanda is very far but I really want to be with Hiccup help him through some troubled times he might have and besides if Hiccups gonna be king he could bring some countries to peace without wars or people getting hungry" Astrid said as her parents looked at eachother "well you can live with Hiccup and Hiccup has proven more then taking care of you alright you can go but make sure to visit us every now and then" Ingrid said as Astrid smiled and jumped towords her parents

"Thank you I live you guys so much" Astrid said as they both smiled as Hiccup smiled as well "come on Hiccup let's go get out for dinner" Astrid said as she grabbed her purse and began walking holding Hiccups hand as they then exit out the door as they reached to Hiccups car "Astrid are you sure you want to come to Wakanda with me I mean I might not stay there long you know maybe a month here and there" Hiccup said as Astrid puts her head on Hiccups shoulder "I don't mind the travel I mean as long as I have you I'm happy" Astrid said as Hiccup smiled as well as he turned on his car and began driving to the restaurant

As when they reach to the restaurant they then started playing music inside as it was Hiccups music as Astrid chuckled after seeing some people singing along with the songs as they then sat at a chair a waitress who was there was nervous and excited at the same time as she saw Hiccup there "h....hy there m...may I take your order" she said as Astrid looked the menu "I'll just take a chicken salad" Astrid said as she wrote it down as Hiccup looked at his "I'll just take some tacos of chicken" Hiccup said as he gave the menu to the waitress as the waitress went to the kitchen as Hiccup just stared down at Astrid as Astrid palns to tease Hiccup as she took off her shoe and rubbed it against Hiccups member as Hiccup tensed

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