Brother? 3

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Normal p.o.v

As Hiccup and T'Challa were in a stand off as T'Challas suit attracted his armor as Hiccup charged at him as T'Challa used his genetic energy he got from Hiccups kick as he used it as he blew Hiccup back as Hiccup crashed into a dumpster bending it as Hiccup waved his head and looked at T'Challa as he grabbed his head as Hiccup went and tackled him as Hiccup raised his fist as T'Challa moved his head avoiding the strikes as he grabbed Hiccups wrist and hit him launching him in the air as it knocked the air out of him as Hiccup regained his composure as he did a front flip as he launched his feet downwards as T'Challa avoided the strike as Hiccup cracked the ground

As T'Challa managed to get back his ground as him and Hiccup were trading fast blows as they both seem to keep up with one another till they heard sirens coming as they both started crawling on the rooftops and avoiding the cops as they continued their battle on the rooftops running while fighting with every Jump

As T'Challa grabbed a small electro disk as he threw it at Hiccups body as electricity started taking effect as Hiccup misplaced his foot and began falling to the ground as he hit a few railings along the way till he hit the ground keep on trembling as T'Challa stomped down as he took off the disk as Hiccup took his breaths "now are you gonna listen" T'Challa said as he extended his hand as Hiccup took it and stood up "fine" Hiccup said

Time skip

Hiccup had a leather jacket and a black shirt with black pants and boots as he looked at T'Challa as he had a burger and some fries as T'Challa had some coffee wearing a normal people clothes as Hiccup took a sip of his drink "so then talk" Hiccup said as T'Challa put his coffee down "so Hiccup how should I put this I'm from a town called Wakanda in the near rigions of Africa" T'Challa said as Hiccup had a confused look on his face "Wait Wakanda from our fight your suit can retract while I have a fricking helmet and judging from you,your people must've done this for years" Hiccup said as T'Challa chuckled and looked down "yes my people back home want to keep us in secret feeling that the American Government may want our technology to spread all over the world and for what to rule over other countries for thugs to get their hands on it no that's not what we use our technology for" T'Challa said as Hiccup seemed to understand

"Okay then how about this when we were on the rooftop you mention about something that were brothers but amm" Hiccup said as he nodded his head and waved his hands on himself as they were totally diffrent and nothing alike as T'Challa seemed to notice "yes well guess you must've gotten more of your mothers side" T'Challa said as Hiccup did an ooh on his face "hmm I dont belive you my father's name was Stoick the vast he was my father" Hiccup said trying to make T'Challa talk more

"Sorry to say this but Hayden your real father isnt Stoick his real name was T'Chaka my father apparently I guess he left you when you were inside of your mothers womb and I'm terrible sorry he left you all alone since you were a child" T'Challa said as he already knows Hiccups backstory about his parents "dont ever mention about my mother again" Hiccup said as he tighten his fist in anger as blood started coming out of his palm as T'Challa put his hands up in defense as then 4 fangirls walk inside as they had papers with them as one blond chick with braces walked towords Hiccup

"Amm excuse me Hiccup can I have your Autograph" the girl said as it seemed Hiccups anger vanished just by meeting his fans as Hiccup took a pen and a photo of him as he signed his name on them on all 4 of them as T'Challa observed Hiccup to see what kind of man he is if he just says hi to his fans and sleeps with them and leaves them or something else as all the girls took pictures with Hiccup as one delivered a surprising kiss to Hiccup in the cheek as they all began running and squealing as Hiccup was surprised but it wasnt anything new as long as it was in the cheek if it was his lips it would've been something diffrent

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