Wakanda 4

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Normal p.o.v

At the Wakanda base Hiccup threw up at a bin as hes body wasnt used to the speed as a whole opened as his puke fell to the ground hitting a deer on the head as back to Hiccup he wiped some puke out of his mouth as he grabbed a piece of paper and went back to writing some lyrics as he looked outside as he saw people waving at them as Hiccup waved back but when Hiccup turned back around he saw he was about to crash into a giant rock as Hiccup shielded his eyes but then the rock dissapeared as Hiccup looked down and saw a whole village

They then land as some guards were lining up tapping their spears on the ground and small hops up and down as then the door opens to revial T'Challa and Hiccup as Hiccup saw a young girl probably almost at the same age as him and an old lady wearing an all white gown as it was Shuri and Ramonda as they were excited to meet their other child as Hiccup then exit out shocking nost people as he was the first amm white person to ever come to Wakanda and also how kind of handsome he was

As T'Challa walked out and bowed to his mother and sister "my king" Shuri said as they both chuckled and did their handshake as Shuri had a t shirt of Hiccup as Hiccup walked down with his hands in his pockets as he was then Hugged by a girl which was a fan girl "eeh I always wanted a younger brother" Shuri said as she looked up at her new brother "amm hey so this is Wakanda" Hiccup said looking around and amaze at all the features they have here "yes this Shuri your sister and Shuri calm down your only older by 6 months" T'Challa said as Shuri looked at Hiccup

As she was still hugging him "and this is our mother Ramonda" T'Challa said as she was nervous thinking Hiccup would blame her for her husband leaving him all alone and nobody to take care of him"nice to meet you" Hiccup said as he placed one hand down as he bowed with his left touching his heart as this was a highly way to respect anyone "nice to meet you too so your Valkas son your much handsome than I imagine" Ranonda said touching Hiccups Cheeks "alright mom let's show my brother around Wakanda" T'Challa said as he began leading Hiccup inside the building as Hiccup was in ar as he walked inside the laboratory

As Hiccup looked through the window as he saw machines and trains passing through with some metal on then as Hiccup pointed at then "is that Vibranium" Hiccup said as he saw his now sister and brother with a smile on their faces as Hiccup smiled as well and looked amaze of this place as Hiccup then saw the suits one gold and 2 that are similar "and these are your suits" Hiccup said touching the suit that was golden as he then saw some small disk in a case as he grabbed it and took a closer look

"Huh communicators" Hiccup said as Shuri nodded "with unlimited range and equipped with audio and servailence" Shuri said as she gesture Hiccup to follow her as Hiccup then saw some flops "flops" Hiccup said as Shuri put those on the ground "try them" Hiccup said as he took off his shoe and sock as he places one leg on it as it covered his entire leg as Hiccup freaked out and started jumping but then calmed down at amazement as Shuri and T'Challa were laughing "fully automated and sound absorbent" Shuri said as Hiccup jumped and no sound as Hiccup had a theory as he looked at a wall as he ran over there and wall jumped back to T'Challa and Shuri as he paid attention and yet no sound when he landed "guess what I call them" Shuri said as T'Challa waved his head.

"Sneakers" she said as Hiccup didnt get it at first but then started chuckling as he wanted to get back to the suits as he walked infront of the gold collar "you like that" Shuri said as Hiccup looked very closely "nah I feel like I fit more in the darkness" Hiccup said as Shuri looked at T'Challa and they seemed amaze "what's the difference between these 2" Hiccup said pointing at the 2 suits "well one it's just a normal bullet proof suit but for this you have to put on your helmet while the other is the same but it has nanobots" Shuri said as Hiccup seemed amaze

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