Assasins part 6/29

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Normal p.o.v

Hiccup and Astrid made it to Hiccups mansion as they place they're bags down as they both sat down on the couch and looked at the ceiling "babe can you tell me your first encounter against Bencho" Astrid asked as Hiccup began thinking "he was ruthless the very first time I faced him he broke my back nearly in half and almost making me crippled good thing I managed to escape from there with Gobbers help I was out for about 3 days" Hiccup said as he looked at Astrid as she was clinging really hard

"Babe that was in the past now who knows what the future holds for me" Hiccup said said as Astrid nodded as then a thought cane into her head "hey babe come here" Astrid said as she layd back onto the couch as Hiccup went over and was about to lean right next to her but she then pulled his body as he layd on top of her as his head landed on her breast "babe amm are you sure you can take my body weight" Hiccup said worrying ad Astrid began ruffling his hair "yeah babe you dont weight alot anyway" Astrid said as Hiccup grabbed Astrids and brought it close to his face as Astrid smiled and liked to feel Hiccups touch

As Hiccup then looked at the side of the room and saw Toothless and Stormfly having a small argument nothing ruthless but a small argument as Hiccup saw the time and knew he had to patrol "hey babe it's time I gotta patrol I'll be back in the morning" Hiccup said as he then got up and kissed Astrid in the forehead "alright babe please take care" Astrid said as Hiccup tapped on his chest twice as his suit appeared and ran out the door

As Hiccup began patrolling the streets he got a few messages from Astrid as she was sending  nudes to Hiccup and Hiccup really wanted to go back but he knew the city comes first as then Hiccup kept on looking down on his city and saw everything was calm and soothing that maybe he is making a difference in this city as Hiccup then stood up and extended his senses and began trying to hear things out as then all the screens began turning on as Hiccup looked around as hes eyes widened "Bencho" Hiccup said as he looked at Bencho who was really strong

"Black rider it's time we settle things you've dealt with so many Assasins but you havent faced me yet meet me at the Electrical factory owned by Stoick the vast" Bencho said as there was a reason why he chose that place it was the first place where he fought Nightfury for the first time as Hiccup began running to that location

As Hiccup made it to the factory as he began looking around he saw a small circle almost like an arena as Hiccup stepped inside and began looking around as he was on guard as then a bunch of lights turned on and a bunch of cameras were in the room as Hiccup turned around and saw Bencho there wearing his typical mask as he then jumped over the railing confronting Hiccup "well,well,well looks like you finally showed up" Bencho said as he began circling Hiccup around "it seems I did Bencho" Hiccup said as he got into fighting position "and nice to see you Nightfury" Bencho said as Hiccups eyes widened

"What didnt think I wouldnt recognize you I've been studying you Rider your every move and I came yo thought your moves are exactly like Nightfury so I put 2 and 2 together and here you are" Bencho said as Hiccup nodded and crunched his fist "looks like your not just muscle after all" Hiccup said as he got in a fighting position as then Bencho did the same as he let out a prideful scream as the then charged at Hiccup as Hiccup then got out of the way and threw an electric disk at him but he just took it like it was nothing as he just grabbed them and crush them

"I see you've gotten stronger" Hiccup said as he backed up to a wall as then Bencho came charging at Hiccup as he managed to hit him and managed to make him go through a wall as Hiccup made it at the back of an alley as Hiccup grabbed his waist "so hows the career going anyway as a luchador" Hiccup said as Bencho crossed the small whole in the wall he did "meh going well making money here and there" Bencho said as Hiccup stood up as he then jumped into the air and went for a punch  as Hiccup blocked in time but Bencho made Hiccup stumble back

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