project 7

363 6 13

Hiccup p.o.v

As much as I want to let this guy drown I cant that's not my ways as I them opened the door and grabbed him by the collar and pulled him up back to the surface as I went to shore and just tossed him to the ground I then felt tight arms around me as I looked down and Saw Astrid hugging me this must be her first time in a kidnapping "thank you thank you" she said as I just wrapped my arms around her as Heather was still unconscious

"Astrid this wasnt how I wanted to introduce you to me ir do you prefer if I call you princess" I said that's what I always called her when we were kids as I saw her raising her head as a piece of hair was in her eye I then raised my hand and moved it to see her shocked face "hey Astrid long time no see" I said as she then out me in a tighter hug "Hiccup you idiot where have you been" she said as I just pat her hair

Time skip

Ambulances and cops came and managed to catch all the robbers who robbed a bank not far from here as Astrids friends were a bit shaken up but other then that everything was okay as me and Astrid were catching up from our past where we went and where we go to diffrent middle schools "so have you met anyone from your travels" Astrid said as she had some water with her "sadly no some just want me from my fame and others well let's face it for my cash you" I said as I saw her had a light blush "sadly same I never met anyone they're all just bad boys with an IQ way below 10 and some just want woman for their bodies" she said as she placed her cup down

"So other then that where did you learn to fight and how did you survive that gun shot I saw him shoot you in the head" she said crap I just hoped she didnt bring that up "ah yeah he must've missed my head" I said coming up with an excuse as I leaned back on the ambulance "how the tables have turned here I am in high school I remember when you use to go to school you were the lowest kid in class and your a famous singer" Astrid said yeah true I used to be the lowest kid in school and look at me I'm really famous around the world

"Hmm yeah I remember I always got in trouble for skipping classes" I said I used to be a bad boy back at school that's till I met Astrid ofcourse I was so low in my life I thought about ending it but I didn't "yeah it's nice seeing you after so long" she said I've been working on a new song for my high school performance theres a talent show that's gonna show up first but tickets are gonna be for sale and I could give her some tickets  for the concert

And I could give it as a surprise and she could help me with some lyrics she was a big help when I started my career found the right lyrics for my first hit I then stood up "hey it was nice catching up Astrid maybe we can do something else a place where you wont get kidnapped" I said and began walking to my car as I got in and began driving away I should've used my suit but I cant let anyone know I'm the next black panther or show any technology but atleast I have these lences that Shuri gave me

I made it home where I heard footsteps Snotlout went to stay with his parents and theres only one person who can sneak in here "hello there my brother" I said as that seems the most appropriate way to say it in Wakanda even tho were not there "hey I heard what happened you okay" he said as he sat on my couch petting my pet panther


When Hiccup was in the dreamland with T'Chaka

"My son theres a gift I left you it's in the forest of Wakanda you'll know it when you see it" T'Chaka said as Hiccup seemed to be concern for a bit

Time skip

Hiccup went to the forest as he was walking around he then heard growling behind him as he turned around and saw black slits looking down at him as it was a panther on a tree as its eyes were looking down on Hiccup as Hiccup couldn't stop staring at it as it then jumped down as it opened its mouth to revial it had no teeth as Hiccup saw a pond with fish as he then extended his claws and captured one as he waved it infront of the panther as it took a whiff as it opened its mouth

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