Scars 18

268 5 3

Normal p.o.v

2 days later

It's been 2 days now since Astrid visited Wakanda and finding out Hiccup was the Black rider as Hiccup answered all the questions that Astrid had with honesty except the part of Hiccup having scars when he started out doing his Vigilante stuff as she now knows what Hiccup does at night and feels like an idiot for not feeling Hiccup go out at night but Hiccup reassured her that he would be fine when hes going out

"2 down now where are yalls supplies" Hiccup said as he was at the abondened Hospital where he interrogated the blong guy as Hiccups been roaming through the hospital he then heard a heartbeat it was fast as if he was scared as Hiccup began walking towords some curtains as when he opened them up a guy with a needle jumped towrds Hiccup as when the guy was gonna inject Hiccup with the needle it broke as the guy looked at it as Hiccup grabbed the guy by the throat and hand as he threw through a wall as the wall broke as it was just paper mache decorated to look like a wall as Hiccup looked through it and saw a bunch of pills being produced

But also from the inside people were stuck there because they had chains wrapped around their legs it seemed to be woman men and children as people freaked out after they saw Hiccup throwing the guy through a wall as they all screamed as Hiccup walked through and even saw people in cages with bangs under they're eyes and trembling as Hiccup walked close to them a hand went for Hiccups face but Hiccup stood there not being phased "please I want more" the girl said as she went to the corner and began trembling again as Hiccup walked over to the guy that he threw against the wall

"So thos is what you do use human test subjects you're going away for a long time buddy" Hiccup said as he then threw the guy across the table and into a wall as Hiccup used his strength and freed everyone as they all began running away "Shuri call the cops send them my location" Hiccup said as Hiccupwas began looking at the guy as he was stumbling back as Hiccup punched through the wall as he took a pipe out as Hiccup began using his strength and wrapped it all around the guy tying him up and not being able to escape

And as a safe precision Hiccup knocked him out and the rest of the goons that were inside of the building and leaving then outside and to be extra safe once Hiccup cleared the building he set it on fire burning all the pills and drugs inside the building

Hiccup p.o.v

As I looked at the fire rising from the building as I looked st the thugs and theh were knocked out as I began running to a building I should go back home as I began running to my home

I crawled through the window but to my surprise Astrid wasnt in bed as I tapped on my chest twice and deactivated my suit as I looked everywhere I then began walking downstairs and saw Astrid at a table as she was on the phone "yes mom I'll be fine I'm with Hiccup" Astrid said guess shes talking to her mother I then decided to wait as I leaned against the wall "yes mom love you too" Astrid said as she hanged up and put her phone on the table "problems" Hiccup said as Astrid yelped after she heard me but got back her composure "no just mom being over protective" Astrid said as I just walked down there and wrapped my arms around her waist "why arents you sleep" I said as I just gave her a kiss on the lips as she did the same as Hiccup began carrying her and placed her down at the table as Hiccup began kissing Astrid on the neck as she found it pleasant "I could ask you the same thing but I guess you were out there saving people" Astrid said as she gave me access to kiss her on the neck as I could feel her legs being wrapped around my waist as she wasnt wearing any pants or socks and her clothes were very thin as if she wanted this to happen

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