revialed 16

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Normal p.o.v

Hiccup was in Wakanda apologising to the people for being absent and a few punches from Shuri but play punches after Hiccup explained what happened to him and what he did after Shuri and T'Challa heard what happened they calmed down but the problem was what type of drug could effect Hiccups immune systems as they wanted to see what type of drugs could effect Hiccup and to see if these drugs are lethal to a normal human being

As Shuri was taking a few blood samples of Hiccups blood they saw that the drug has dissapeared completely from his system "dam the drugs have dissapeared in your blood I cant find anything" Shuri said as shes been searching through Hiccups blood "then theres only one way find out find a bunch of drug dealers and ask but I promised Astrid I would not stay too far from her not after the incident" Hiccup said as Astrid was now being really over protective of him but can you blame him it's rare for men to get raped by woman

Hiccup finally made it to New york as he went inside of his room but at the same time Astrid got there "hey Hiccup how have you been" Astrid said as she wrapped her arms around Hiccups neck as Hiccup wrapped his arms around Astrids waist as they both pulled in into a kiss "first I was with my parents and now I'm ready to fall into your arms" Astrid said as Hiccup got pushed to the bed as Astrid began crawling on top of him as she got into a make out session with Hiccup as they were both fighting for dominance as again Hiccup proved victorious as he flipped him and Astrid over as Astrid was now bottom

As Hiccup began kissing Astrids neck as Astrids arms were too weak as she just laid there as Hiccup moved his hands upwards interlocking his hands with Astrids as they both continued kissing "you know Hiccup I have a surprise for you well you've already seen it several times but close your eyes" Astrid said as Hiccup got off of her as he closed his eyes as Hiccup could hear Astrid taking off her clothes "okay you can open them" Astrid said as Hiccup did and saw Astrid just in her bra and undies as Astrid began moving her hips making her look more beutifal as she rubbed her back against Hiccups chest

As Astrid began moving up and down rubbing her butt all over Hiccups member as Hiccup embracee her more kissed her neck and shoulders as he lifted his hands removing Astrids bra as Hiccup grabbed a handful of Astrids breast

Time skip

It was now late as Hiccups usual he walked up to him being naked and so did Astrid as Hiccup manages to sneak his way out of Astrids grip as he grabbed onto his boxers and his pants as Hiccup stepped out of his window and looked at Astrid as she was really asleep and she was as Hiccup jumped out of the window and pressed his chest twice as his suit started coming around him as Hiccup began jumping on top of buildings and began running around the streets

As Hiccup crouched down and began looking down as he saw a bunch of homeless people circle

Hiccup p.o.v

Hmm homeless people let's see if I can find some robbers to give them money I then hear a car running as I turned around and saw a giant limo stopping by as all the homeless people as they all. Began getting close as then a long blond hair guy came out of the veichul waving boxes above his head "SO WHO WANTS TO GET HIGH" He yelled as then the homeless people started taking out cash what they have atleast a few thousand dollars so all that was just an act huh

As they then began walking as they began trading money for the drugs but one guy came up short "sorry man this wong get you zilch" the guy said but then someone else in the car rolled down their window as he snapped his fingers as the blond guy came up as he was talking to the boss "guess the boss really likes you" the guy said and he seemed to toss the drugs this is my chance as I pointed my nails at him as I hit the bag instead as it wasnt powder it was just pills as I saw the homeless people began eating it I then threw some explosives at them making them get away and it worked

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