Highschool 5

389 6 4

Normal p.o.v

Hiccup went for a punch as that made the Jiribi warrior lose his balance but managed to regain it as he strikes at Hiccup 2 times but Hiccup just took them as if they were nothing the guy then went for a punch but Hiccup ducked down and did a spin elbowing the warrior and giving him an uppercut as Shuri and T'Challa spotted Hiccups eyes in a purple color as the guy gained his ground as he went for a kick as Hiccup blocked with ease as he went for a roundhouse but Hiccup bearly moved as he kicked the guys leg and he was on the floor

As Hiccup was doing an all on assault on the warrior as Hiccup got on top of him and started throwing punches till the guy grabbed Hiccups arm and tried to break it but Hiccup just simply rolled over and punched him knocking the guy off Hiccup as Hiccup got up as the warrior grabbed Hiccup by the neck but Hiccup grabbed his hand and moved it as Hiccup went for a punch as the guy went for a punch as well but Hiccup used his head to block as Hiccup delivered a right cross as the guy was bleeding in his head as Hiccup ran to him and delivered a superman punch as Hiccup was now doing an all out assault

As Hiccup did one final move a roundhouse kick knocking the guy to the people as he crashed into a few rocks as people were amaze as Hiccup looked around as T'Challa stepped up "Brother breath,breath" T'Challa said as he embraced Hiccup into a hug as Hiccups eyes turned back to normal as people began muttering to eachother

Time skip

Hiccup woke up gasping for air as he felt a hand on his shoulder as he saw Shuri as Hiccup scratched his eye lids "what happened" Hiccup asked as T'Challa entered the place "brother how do you feel" T'Challa said as Hiccup stood up as he had a blanket around his body good thing he still has pants "exhausted like my body is drained out of its energy" Hiccup said as he took some deep breaths as in secret Shuri and T'Challa took Hiccups blood sample and discovered some wierd stuff Hiccup already has the Heart shaped plant in his system but at the same time he deosnt

"Brother have you drank this liquid before" T'Challa said showing Hiccup the purple liquid as Hiccup looked carefully "no except purple juice when I was a kid" Hiccup said as that's not the answer they wanted but it's something "well that sums it up Hiccup you might've taken our fathers Gene's as in your already half God panther" Shuri said as that shocked Hiccup as he looked at his hands "so your saying is that I'm half.....panther" Hiccup said as Shuri and T'Challa nodded as Hiccup turned around "so that explains my super genes my strength and everything all because of this" Hiccup said pointing at the liquid

"Not exactly it seems that our father had the black panther abilities while he was making you" Shuri said tryin not to make it sound wierd "but will talk about that later come on the Elders have already agreed you'll be the next Wakanda and king but after you've graduated your school after that you'll become the official king of Wakanda" T'Challa said as he placed his arm over Hiccups shoulders leading him to a place where there were kids with shovels and tons of sands  as Hiccup was concerned "dont worry my brother will see how far your abilities will take you" T'Challa said as Hiccup took a deep breath if Hiccup drinks the heart shaped plant it might take away his abilities or give him more

Hiccup then laid on the sand as his arms folded into an X "may these give you the abilities of black panther" T'Challa said as Hiccup opened his mouth the second it hit his tongue Hiccup wanted to spit it out "Father we call you upon your half son" T'Challa said as Hiccups veins turn into a blackish purple substance as Hiccup wanted to scream but held it in as Hiccup started getting flashbacks of when he was a kid then the kids started burying Hiccup in sand

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