Assasination part 5/ 28

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Normal p.o.v

As Fransisco from the corner of his eye saw Black Rider running towords him  as he jumped up as Fransisco reacted quick and began firing at Hiccup as Hiccup made Fransisco miss his bullets as Hiccup extended his claws and cut through Fransiscos guns as Hiccup just kneed him under his chin as Hiccup grabbed him by the collar and leaned him against the train "so are you gonna tell me who gave you these bullets or do I have to torture in some ways" Hiccup said taking deep breaths as his shoulder was really aching "to be honest I dont even know the person who contracted beige just saw the huge Vibranium in the size of a boulder hehheh" he said as Hiccup yanked him so they were both making eye contact as Hiccup punched him and knocked him out

Time skip

Hiccup slowly walked his way towords his house as he climbed onto his bedroom window he then looked at the bed and saw that Astrid wasnt there as he looked at the side of his room and saw Astrid there sitting in the chair looking at Hiccup menacingly "where were you" Astrid asked as Hiccup didnt have an answer and promised to never lie "ah I got an alert on my phone saying that cops needed help but instead it was a trap set up for me but it was also a trap for them as I fought Fransisco" Hiccup said as Astrids eyes widened "you mean the legendary shooter" Astrid said as Hiccup just nodded his head as he tapped on his chest twice as Hiccup showed Astrid the bullet that went through his skin and arm

"Hiccup you idiot" Astrid said as Hiccup layd down in bed and leaving his arm out "yeah I know to be fair he had hostages and killed 3 cops" Hiccup said in defense as Asteid grabbed some bandages but saw that Hiccups skin that the bullet didnt completely go through "Hiccup looks like the bullet it's still in your skin I may have to cut it out" Astrid said as she grabbed a small knife "alright go ahead" Hiccup said as Astrid began slicing Hiccups skin as the bullet came out as it was glowing "looks like it observed some kenetic energy" Astrid said as she gently placed the bullet down knowing what would happen if she didnt

"Alright time to patch you up mister" Astrid said as she grabbed some extra bandages and stitches and began healing Hiccup

Time skip

After a couple of hours Hiccup decided it should be time for them to go to school as its only been 3 days they missed school as they were both holding hands and walking to their next period class

"So Hiccup have any idea who's gonna go after you next" Astrid asked as Hiccup got thinking "knowing the Assasins they would want to tire me out so they can get the advantage over me so probably Bencho or George or they would probably work together to try and stop me" Hiccup said as Astrid looked even tho she knows Hiccup can take care of himself every time he faces an Assasin he would always come home all injured or tired "hey guys havent seen you guys in 3 days what happened" as Hiccup and Astrid turned around and saw Heather and Ruff walking towords them "oh hey guys amm Hiccup was sick during those 3 days so we decided to skip a few days but now Hiccup is all well" Astrid said trying to come up with an excuse as Hiccup nodded

"Well glad to hear that alot of disasters have been happening this week it's like Assasins are all trying to get Black rider" Ruff said as Hiccup tensed that now that the Assasins have gone public to nearly the world as Astrid felt Hiccups tension "well we should go our classes are gonna start soon" Astrid said as both Hiccup and Asteid turned around and walked away "hey guys wait we have a school field trip tomorrow here" Heather said as she handed an envelope to Hiccup and Astrid as they both grabbed it and began reading it "hmm to the museum" Hiccup said as he kept it in his hand

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