torture 13

268 6 3

Normal p.o.v

The field trip was cut a little short due to the accident in Japan as the next day everyone got packed and got on the school bus and they drove away as Hiccup had his arm wrapped around Astrid he was so scared that Astrid took a picture of him and saw him Hiccup saw that Astrid was sleeping on his shoulder so he took out his phone and began hacking Astrids phone as Hiccup began scrolling through Astrids photos as he saw one that was himself in his perspective he looked really cool he wanted to delete the photo but he knows how stubborn Astrid was and will find out if something of hers got deleted

So Hiccup decided to let it be as he stopped hacking Astrids phone and leaned his head against Astrids as he went to take a little snooze

As Astrid then woke up as she looked up and saw Hiccup was sleeping with his phone on his lap the protective girlfriend she was she then gently grabbed his phone as it had a face ID as she gently waved it infront of his face and unlocked it as Astrid began scrolling as the home page was her and Hiccup as Astrid kissed Hiccup in the cheek as Astrid found that cute but she then went to his contacts and it only said Gobber,Snotlout and Astrid were the only contacts there she then went to his other media and they were all just fans 186 million followers and hes only following 3 people

Astrid then placed Hiccups phone back on his lap as she then laid on his head and fell asleep as Hiccup smirked on how Astrid was very protective of him and wondered when should he tell her about his true secret

"Babe wake up" Astrid said as she was cupping Hiccups cheek as Hiccup was startled and woke up as he looked and saw people exiting the bus as Hiccup grabbed his bag and began exiting the bus till they were at the parking lot as Hiccup and Astrid were walking there as Hiccup opened the door for Astrid and then he walked in

The rest of the car ride was fun Hiccup and Astrid talking to eachother joking and teasing eachother for the night as Hiccup finally made it to his house as he parked there and went inside with Astrid as they both sat at the couch cuddling with eachother and watching some series on the TV as Astrid had thought of something in her mind that couples can tell whatever they want but there are some secrets that tortures themselves as Astrid wanted to know since they haven't seen eachother in a long time without her has he been doing stuff to him

Time skip

Night time

Hiccup p.o.v

I jumped on top of a building as I look down upon my city as I visit the same street where my parents died as there was a grave sight near here as I went over there and saw the both of their graves there as I also brought some flowers for them "hey mom hey dad or Stoick sorry I keep even getting myself confused hehehe but yeah I already have a girlfriend and mom I know we had a talk at a young age but me and my girlfriend have already done it but it was by accident and besides that I'm doing pretty well and I really miss you guys" I said as I can feel the sadness in my heart as I place a red rose on both of my parents grave

Why must I torture myself with everything in life the only good things I have sre Astrid and Gobber and Toothless but another good thing is that now I'm not alone once I become king I'll have like an Army behind me watching over  new york and I can take care of New york without me actually being there the only problem is that I have to convince the council that I want to hang out and date Astrid I know relationships dont last long but I have a good feeling with Astrid I know shes the one for me

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