Assasins 24

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Normal p.o.v

As Hiccup was walking up stairs and opened his bedroom there he saw Astrid there laying in bed with her back facing towords him as Hiccup let out a sight and walked towords her "babe are you awake" Hiccup whispered as he saw shivering on her body "babe I know with everything going on you know I'll always be loyal to you" Hiccup said as he kissed Astrid in the cheek as he tugged himself into bed "Hiccup it's not the fact that your loyal I mean I know your loyal but first Cami then the girls at school and now this Abigel" Astrid said finally flipping over and looking at Hiccup

"I know babe but sometimes that's what I gotta face in this world but I'll be glad knowing I'll always be with you" Hiccup said as he then rubbed his fingers along Astrids chin as Hiccup pulled her into a kiss as Astrid rubbed her hand across Hiccups abs and chest "by the way why was Shuri here" Hiccup said as Astrids eyes widened "oh yeah about this" Astrid said as she pulled out a disk as she pressed a button as it showed a holographic figure of Hiccup in his black rider uniform as under it ,it said 17 billion dollars dead or alive "17 billion for my head" Hiccup said as Astrid nodded as she tapped on another button as it showed 7 pictured of New yorks most wanted men and woman

"It was bad enough when woman chased after you now you have bounty hunters" Astrid said as she puts the disk away "well good thing is they dont know about my identity only me in my suit" Hiccup said as he snuggled up to Astrid "well the morning I wake up I'm gonna start investigating who these criminals are" Hiccup said as Astrid nodded but then an alert notification came on Hiccups phone as he grabbed it and saw the notification "oh gods a prison riot but they're breaking someone out" Hiccup said as he got up and tapped on his chest as Astrid realised something

"Babe my dad is taking the shift at that prison" Astrid said as she grabbed a remote and turned on the news and saw that the prison riot was happening and the prison was on fire "I'll get him out babe I promise" Hiccup said as he tapped on his chest twice and his "babe I want to see what's happening I want to see if my fathers okay" Astrid said as Hiccup grabbed an extra disk as he handed it out to Astrid "here from here you get to see everything I do or say now I got to go" Hiccup said as his suit suit began appearing as he ran towords the prison "SHURI get me a jet to Outcast prison" Hiccup said on his wrist "jet is already there and waiting good luck brother" Shuri said as Hiccup nodded and kept on running as fast as he could as he reached to a River

As Hiccup climbed on top of the jet as he reached to the prison at top speed as when Hiccup reach there he saw a giant man about 7'2 feet tall as Hiccup jumped on top a building as he saw the man as the man saw Hiccup as he waved at a helicopter that was there as well as the helicopter took off as Hiccup threw a tracker at the helicopter as it attached itself to it as Hiccup jumped down from the roof and landed infront of the giant guy "you dont look that tough" the guy said walking towords a giant gas canister "wheres Martin hofferson" Hiccup said disguising his voice "never knew him" he said as he threw the gas canister and threw it at Hiccup as Hiccup ducked down avoiding the gas canister as it exploded behind Hiccup

As Hiccup and the large figure looked at eachother as Hiccup knows he has superhuman strength for working out too much as then the giant man ran towords Hiccup as Hiccup jumped over him and launched a kick st the guys jaw as he was dizzy as Hiccup launched a barrage of attacks pressure points as then Hiccup grabbed his head and smashed it against the ground as then the guy tried to punch Hiccup but Hiccup backed up with a few flips

As then Hiccup shot his metallic nails at the guy but once it pierced through his skin he didnt even flinch as he just waved them off as Hiccup retracted them back as Hiccup ran inside of the prison running and jumping through some stairs with the guy following behind him as then Hiccup had an idea as he attached himself to the wall on top of the door and once the guy walked inside Hiccup kicked him in the face knocking him down as Hiccup then began lunching the guy in the face over and over till the guy grabbed Hiccup by the waist and threw him out of the window

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