sick 30

153 6 4

Normal p.o.v

2 weeks later

It's been 2 weeks since Hiccup found out that hes parents killer was also the same person who tried to hire those Assasins to kill him as Hiccup was in a small road depression but he managed to get out of it as hes been pulling out all Nighters on trying to find security footage of the guy who ran over his parents as it's actually been 2 weeks since Hiccup slept as hes been drinking a bunch of coffee and monster energy drinks to stay awake as Astrid would come and visit him time after time and he still goes to school time to time

They were chilling in their homes watching some shows on the TV as Hiccup had all the channels but Hiccup bearly talks even when he goes out to eat with his girlfriend "Hiccup come on talk to me" Astrid said as Hiccup took a deep breath "babe I dont know what to say to be honest I havent been this scared since Christmas with Cami does the guy know who I am what else does he know" Hiccup said as Astrid placed her head on Hiccups shoulder as then Asteid grabbed Hiccups head and dragged him on top of her body as she placed his head in between her breast thinking they would atleast calm him down

But then Hiccup looked up and felt Astrids sensation between her legs "hey babe want to take a shower" Hiccup said as Astrid looked down at him "you mean together" Astrid said as Hiccup nodded his head "it's not like we havent explored eachothers bodies yet" Hiccup said as Astrid blushed at the comment "sure" Astrid said

Time skip

Hiccup and Astrid were inside the tub as Astrid pressed her back
Against Hiccup as Hiccup was scrubbing her back and massaging her shoulders but under the water Hiccup was rubbing Astrids womanhood as Astrid moaned in pleasure as she tried to close her legs but they were too weak as she wanted to entertain Hiccup as well as she could feel Hiccups member twitching  as Astrid then turned around with the little strength she had ad she then used her flexibility as she placed her legs on Hiccups shoulders as Hiccup pulled her into a kiss as he thrusted his hips inside of Astrids womanhood "maybe it's time to get out" Hiccup said as with being careful he grabbed Astrid by her butt and pulled her out of the water as they noth dried themselves out

Astrid heard her phone ring as she went over there and grabbed it as it was a text message checking up on her as Hiccups instincts kicked in as he saw Astrid still naked and bent over as he walked over there as he inserted his cock "ooh Hiccup" Astrid said with a smile as she threw her phone as she turned around

Time skip

It was early in the morning as today was a cold day as Finally Hiccup went to go get some sleep as he had Astrid in a very tight embrace but Astrid didnt mind as she was glad Hiccup embraced her since it was cold at night as Astrid couldn't stop shivering as shes been feeling a bit wierd


Hiccup opened his eyes as he looked at his alarm clock as it was 1:30  as he then turned around and saw that he had his arm wrapped around Astrids waist as he went close but felt like something was off as she was covered with blankets but like really covered as Hiccup thought it was probably nothing as he then got up and went to the kitchen and grabbed some bread as he made some toast with jelly as he decided to make Astrid a sandwich the way she likes it with some fresh orange juice as he puts it in a tray and began walking upstairs

As Hiccup made it "hey babe" Hiccup said as Astrid woke up as Hiccup saw her eyes were a bit red and her face was a bit pale "hey Astrid you feeling okay you look a bit pale" Hiccup said as he places the tray aside from the bed and touched Astrids head "babe your heating up" Hiccup said as he grabbed a thermometer and as Astrid opened her mouth as they waited there for awhile as then it beeped as Hiccup grabbed the thermometer and looked at it "babe your 112 right now" Hiccup said as Astrid laid back down in bed as she began trembling "sorry Astrid this is my fault when we did it last night I didnt close the window" Hiccup said as he sat next to Astrid and grabbed her hand

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