Assasination part 4/27

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Hiccup p.o.v

All I could see was just illusions everything was wobbly I cant see straight as I got to my knees as all I feel is weakness on my feet as I stumbled near the entrence but then Poison was infront of me as she came down from the ceiling "hmm interesting your not dead yet maybe another doze should do the trick" Poison said as she then launched at me as I monkey flipped her to the other side as she then hid to the shadows as I try and use my senses but I'm really dizzy that they dont work properly her body is very flexible I've someone like her before but they didnt have poison all they had were yoga so they weren't hard why am I thinking of this right now

I then felt something coming and running behind me she then swiped upwards trying to hit me as I backed up and managed to dodge as u saw her going for a swing as I grabbed her arm and dislocated it by her elbow as I stumbled back and got to my knees all tired I have to keep fighting I never break my promise she then just waved her hand actually popping her elbow back in place "I am impressed you lasted this long but you'll eventually die" she said as I just waited for her next attack maybe I cant use my eyes all I can do is focus my ears have failed me so let's try this as I close my eyes and decided to try and smell her scent and I could feel the wind hitting my suit as I felt her trying to slice me as I dodged in time shes fast this us gonna be hard but I have to try something

She then did it 2 times as I managed to dodge it in time as I felt her trying to raise her leg trying to kick my head as I blocked the attack and kicked her in the head making her stumble back "brother the container is almost there can you see it" It was Shuri as then I heard glass shattering as I looked at a window and saw Toothless there tackling Poison as she sneaked up behind me as he began biting her arm trying to take it clean off "UGH where did you come from" she said as I whistled as Toothless came running towords me as he had something strapped on his back as I then grabbed it as I pointed it on my neck as the small needle was made out of Vibranium but following with electricity as it's making a small hole on my suit as I injected the needle into my neck

"You think your cured my poison is still in your veins and it will remain there as long as you live which wont be very long" She said I grew tired of her I then punch her in the gut as I grabbed her arm and made her do a front flip as I then grabbed her by the leg and arm as I smashed her into the ground I then grab her claws that is also made out of Vibranium and grabbed some poison as I then tied her up which she wont be able to escape "Astrid......Shuri call the cops tell then where to find the other Assasin" I said taking deep breaths since I can only feel the poison going out of my system

I then make it to my house along side Toothless as I turned off my suot as I grabbed myself by the waist "Hiccup" I heard a familiar voice as I looked upstairs and saw Astrid rushing towords me and embracing me into a tight hug as then Stormfly came running as well as she rubbed her head against Toothless chin "I'm okay Astrid I'm okay" I said as she then looked up and ne guess she saw the venom coming out of me "here let me clean you up" Astrid said as she grabbed my hand and dragged me to a chair

She then grabbed some bandages and cleaned up the green part of the venom as I then opened my hand and showed Astrid the 2 claws "hmm no wonder they managed to cut  through your armor just imagine if they create electric bullets or Vibranium bullets" Astrid said as she was done cleaning my wounds I then put on my shirt and rub my eyes "Hiccup you tired" Astrid said as I just out my head on her shoulder "a little but crime deosnt rest Astrid" I said no matter what I wont stop protecting my city

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