Stuck 19

703 5 0

Normal p.o.v

It was a Saturday afternoon as it's not been a month since Hiccup showed his scars to Astrid it was a Saturday afternoon as Astrid was at home while Hiccup went to visit Snotlout over his new song hes been working on so Astrid was home alone in the meantime as shes been roaming around the house as she was wearing a long shirt and just some panties as she was texting  with her friends over random studd but when she lost focus she dropped her phone as she went to their room as the phone went under the bed as Asteid ducked down and saw it was in the middle as she began crawling inside

But what she didnt see was that there was a nail sticking out of the bed it was curved as Astrid ducked down to reach for the phone her shirt and underwear got stuck as she kept on trying to reach for her phone but she pushed it out more as she groaned in annoyance as she tried to get out but she then finally realised she was stuck "oh no this better not be happening TOOTHLESS HICCUP" Astrid said as for Toothless he was st the first floor as if he was in a very deep sleep draming about food as the only thing that Astrid can do is wait

Time skip

Hiccup finally made it home as he parked his car hes set is almost ready hes planning to do a high school talent show and he wants Astrid to be apart of it as he then entered the house "Astrid I'm home" Hiccup said as he didnt get a response "Astrid" Hiccup said as he went upstairs and begin looking through the rooms "Hiccup you there" Astrid said as Hiccup began walking to the room but then later what he saw next Shocked him as he saw Astrid was stuck "Astrid is that you" Hiccup said as he couldn't contain his laughter "not funny Hiccup hurry up and help me out" Astrid said as she began kicking her legs as She was also on her knees "alright,Alright" Hiccup said as he got behind Hiccup

As Hiccup pulled he accidently pulled her that her butt touched his member as Hiccup had a thought in his mind "hey babe can I you know " Hiccup said as he moved Astrids undies aside as he began unzipping his pants "know what babe" Astrid said as Hiccup stung out his member as he then rubbed it against Astrids womanhood as Astrid seem to get the message


It was during when Hiccup and Astrid were doing it in the couch as Astrid was bouncing up and down on top of Hiccup as then she got off as Hiccup and her have already came as Astrid wrapped her arms around Hiccups chest "babe I need a favor from you" Astrid said as she was taking deep breaths "yeah what is it" Hiccup asked as Astrid looked up and got to his ear "I want you to use me okay I know it sounds wierd but I really want to give you a break but it has to be part of the house" Astrid said as that shock Hiccup but she did say it as a favor "alright but I want to ask for your permission before  I do something" Hiccup said as Astrid smiled on how much of a gentleman he is still

End of the Flashbsck

Even tho Astrid said she'd promise to give Hiccup permission there would be sometimes she wouldnt want too but Hiccups been doing everything for her that shes willing to say yes no matter what "yes Hiccup" Astrid said as Hiccup inserted his member inside of Astrid as he grabbed her by the hips and began thrusting inside of her as Hiccup looked up as he was enjoying this as Astrid began moaning in pleasure even tho she was stuck normally when her and Hiccup do this she wants to look at his face because shes worried she might be doing it with someone else "Hiccup....c can you pull me out" Astrid said as Hccup then cooperate as he pulled on Astrids shirt and undies as Astrid managed to get out but with Hiccups member still inside of her as Hiccup pushed her to the bed and kept on thrusting inside of her

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