it was an accident 10

563 7 2

Normal p.o.v

Hiccup was sitting at his desk thinking and writing a few lyrics and playing his guitar a few times to get the beat just right for his new song as he was having some what of trouble with it as it was the first as he then leaned back in his chair dozing off to sleep

Hiccup felt something grab him as he opened his eyes and his eyes widened when he saw his pants were off and not even that he saw a hand grabbing his junk as he looked over and saw a naked Astrid with a smile "A...Astrid" Hiccup said as Astrid got on top of him as she leaned in close and kissed him on the neck as Hiccup wanted to move but then saw his arms were tied up "please babe take a break I want to get pregnant by your child" Astrid said as Hiccups heart started beating fast as Astrid leaned a bit forword as Astrids breast was infront of Hiccup

"Hiccup,Hiccup wake up" Astrid said as Hiccup was startled as he woke up as he saw his hands were tied up and Astrid was fully clothed he must've had a wet dream "yeah sorry must've dozed off" Hiccup said  scratching his eyes "geezer it must've been a Nightmare you were shaking like if you were having seasure and you were calling my name" Astrid said as she looked at Hiccups desk as Hiccup felt something hard between his pants as he saw he had hard wood as he tried to hide it

"Hmm guess you got tired of writing lyrics" Astrid said as she grabbed the paper as Hiccup smiled "yeah just couldn't think of anything else" Hiccup said crossing his legs "mind if I add a few things" Astrid said as Hiccup was about to get up for Astrid to take the chair "dont worry here's good" Astrid said as she sat between Hiccups legs as Hiccup wondered if he was having a dream withing a dream stuff as Astrid didnt have any pants as it was a Saturday morning all she had was one of Hiccups shirts and underwear

As Astrid began moving she slowly kept on moving her hips It made Hiccup go hard as he didnt want to say something as Astrid kept on writing a few lyrics

After awhile Astrid showed Hiccup the paper as Hiccup took it "wow this looks amazing" Hiccup said as Astrid sat across as she was bridal style

Time skip

Hiccup was eating some cereal he was gonna put the milk away till around the corner he bumped into Astrid as the milk splattered all over Hiccup "oh God Hiccup I'm so sorry" Astrid said as she grabbed a napkin "nah dont worry babe I needed a shower anyway" Hiccup said as he walked into the bathroom

Time skip

Hiccup was in the shower as Astrid was sneakily having a bucket filled with ice as she remembered a prank Hiccup did to her when they were kids as Astrid sneakily walked opened the bathroom door as she opened the slide door of the shower as she threw the bucket at Hiccup as Hiccup screamed out in cold as he grabbed a towel but Astrid grabbed it and began running around the house till she stopped at a room as Hiccup tackled her as Hiccup grabbed his boxers and ran after her

Hiccup then try to grab his towel as they both began chuckling and arguing

Unknowing to them Hiccups member was being loose and it popped out "hey Astrid wait" Hiccup said but Astrid pulled to hard as it pulled Hiccup towords her as Hiccup accidently inserted his member inside of Astrid as they both gasped "Hiccup please tell me that's not what I think it is" Astrid said as Hiccup looked down as he saw his member moved Astrids underwear aside as it was half way in "maybe" Hiccup said as Astrid moved her hand behind her as She felt Hiccups member "well what are you waiting for" Astrid said as Hiccup tried to pull back but his feet were wet as he slipped and it went all the way in

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