Christmas 20

203 6 4

Normal p.o.v

Astrid woke up to some cold air as she got up and looked around and saw that the window was open as she grabbed some covered and went to the window as she closed it but to her surprise she looked out the window and saw there was  snow on the ground as she smiled as it was her favorite holiday "Hiccup its Christmas" Astrid said as she jumped on top of Hiccup as Hiccup let out a breath as he felt Astrids weight being forced on top of him "wait what,what happened" Hiccup said scratching his eye lids as he looked and saw Astrid was on top of him

"Hiccup its christmas" Astrid said as Hiccup looked out the window and saw a bunch of snow "hmm wow really oh yeah ah babe I got you a little present" Hiccup said as Astrid got off of him and went on her knees as Hiccup went to his drour and grabbed a box as it was wrapped in a paper mache as Hiccuo handed it over to Astrid as Astrid grabbed and began opeining it and when she did she was surprised when she saw a necklace there with an old coin there "this used to belong to my mother she said to one day give it to the person I love the most and Astrid Hofferson that is you" Hiccup said as Astrid coversd her mouth and chuckled in excitement as Hiccup went behind her and began wrapping the necklace around Astrids neck as Astrid moved her hair as she touched the necklace "if you dont like it I can always buy you a real diamond necklace" Hiccup said as Astrid turned around as she touched the necklace

"Hiccup I love it thank you I only baught you a wallet" Astrid said as Hiccup shrugged "I'm sure I'll love it" Hiccup said as Astrid pulled Hiccup into a kiss as Hiccup wrapped his arm around her waist as before they go another round the door bell rang as Hiccup got a shirt as he went to the door "jeez who could that be during this winter" Hiccup said as  he opened the door and saw T'Challa and Shuri there "ah T'Challa Shuri how are you guys" Hiccup said as he embraced T'Challa and Shuri into a hug as they hugged back "oh the members wanted to say merry Christmas too" T'Challa said as he pulled out a disk as a hologram of all the tribe members were there "Merry christmas our king" they said and it turned off as Hiccup smiled knowing that hes getting close on making the tribe members accept him

"Anyway brother we just came here to say merry Christmas were really busy back in Wakanda still fixing a few things anyway merry christmas Brother and tell Astrid I said hello as well" T'Challa said as Hiccup nodded as they then went to their camaflouge jet and went into the skies as Hiccup then closed the door and went back inside as he saw Astrid in some robes and a blanket walking down the stairs "so who was it" Astrid asked as she got infront of Hiccup "oh it was T'Challa and Shuri wanting to wish me merry Christmas" Hiccup said as Astrid opened up the blankets so Hiccup could get in as they both sat in the couch

"Hey babe when you were in your travels how did you celebrate your christmas" Astrid asked as Hiccup began going to memory lane "well during my travels  there were always celebrations in other countires and a big feast and they invited me I just ate and prayed during those feast other then that nothing else" Hiccup said as Astrid placed her head  on Hiccups shoulder "I wish I would've gone with you" Astrid said as Hiccup wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close

Time skip


"Hiccup cant you take breaks even on holidays" Astrid said as she had a jacket on as Hiccup was wearing his usual panther uniform "come on Astrid criminals dont rest and neither will I" Hiccup said as he went into a window "just promise me you'll be at my parents by 10" Astrid said as Hiccups mask went inside his suit "I promise I'll be there if I past 10 I'll buy your parents something anyway gotta go bye" Hiccup said as his lips and Astrids lips met as Hiccup jumped towords the road then building to building as Astrid let out a sight Hiccup left her his car and added some winter tired just to be safe

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