protect 17

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Normal p.o.v

"Your the black rider" Astrid said in shock as Hiccup deactivated his suit as it retracted into his skin as this was a lot to take in for Astrid "Astrid I know this is a lot to take in but look at me I'm trusting you with this information" Hiccup said knocking Astrid from her trance "Hiccup this is all of a sudden  wait so if your The Black rider then who was the other Vigilante back then" Astrid said referring to Nightfury Hiccups old name as a vigilante "yeah,yeah that was me look Astrid you gotta understand why I do all this" Hiccup said as Astrid just wanted to shout at Hiccup for keeping this a secret but she then remembered about  Hiccups accident with his parents as she thinks that's the reason why Hiccup became the Vigilante

As Astrid began scratching the back of her head as Hiccup didnt know how to calm this situation "Hiccup is there a room we can atleast talk in private" Astrid said as Hiccup nodded and took her to a private interrogation and Hiccup made sure no one could interrupt them "so you've been keeping this from me since weve met" Astrid said as Hiccup nodded as Astrid took a seat "so I've bee dating a Vigilante which is the police's most wanted oh my god I had s#x with the Vigilante" Astrid said as Hiccup nodded his head and looked down

"But Astrid I need to know this will completely be up to you either you want to be with me or something else" Hiccup said as he was hoping Astrid would still want to be with him "what happens if I say no" Astrid said as Hiccup already knew the answer he was gonna get but had to answer properly "no nothing will happen no threats no violence no nothing but I am counting on you to keep me and my brother a secret" Hiccup said as Astrid said as Hiccup was about to get up and open the door but then he felt arms being wrapped around his waist as he looked down and saw Astrid hugging him

"What did you seriously expected that I would break up with you" Astrid said as Hiccup smiled as he wrapped his arms around her "but no more keeping secrets from me and your gonna answer a lot of my questions" Astrid said as Hiccup smiled again and kissed her forehead "I'll answer all the questions you have" Hiccup said as then both of their lips met into a very passionate kiss  till Hiccup decided to part "now then let me introduce you to Wakanda" Hiccup said as they then open the door but find to see Shuri there with a bag of popcorn "Shuri" Hiccup said as Shuri let out a smile

"Did you guys do it" Shuri said as Hiccup and Astrid blush at the comment as Hiccup knew what Shuri was thinking as Astrid wouldnt mind telling her that since she has already done it with Hiccup back then "no Shuri me and Astrid are gonna walk around Wakanda just tell T'Challa" Hiccup said as Shuri nodded and began walking away as Hiccup hit his head "come on theres something I want to show you" Hiccup said as Hiccup began dragging Astrid

They were at a plain field where Astrid saw the Rhinos there as she was startled but then one came towrds them as Hiccup patted its horn as Hiccup grabbed a bunch of Snacks as he placed it infront of the Rhino "here try it" Hiccup said as Astrid grabbed some snacks and closed her eyes as Hiccup found it amusing as then the Rhino began munching on the snacks as Astrids opened her eyes and saw the amazing sight "you know Rhino feeding was in my bucket list when I get old" Astrid said as she smiled and patted on the Rhino "hmm lucky I had to get run over by him a dozen times in order for him to trust me" Hiccup said as Astrid chuckled and patted on the Rhino "oh who's gonna be afraid of you" Astrid said as if she was talking to a baby as the Rhino gave Astrid a big lick as Astrid was covered by drool

"Karma" Hiccup said as Astrid wiped away the drool and tossed some at Hiccup as Astrid laughed at it as Hiccup had another idea as he wiped the drool away from his face as he then grabbed a saddle "how about Rhino riding" Hiccup said as Astrid was finished wiping the drool off of her as she looked at Hiccup "wait Rhino riding can we do that" Astrid said as Hiccup began putting the straps on "yeah come on" Hiccup said as Astrid walked nervously as she then got on as Hiccup just jumped really high as he sat behind Astrid

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