Druged 14

265 5 8

Yeet the child

'Sight this is gonna be a painful chapter'

Normal p.o.v

After the school shooting incident school was closed for a week and people were still shook from the incident still crying even tho it was over as they all went home as Hiccup and Astrid were watching the news over the incident as it said that the cameras just shut off and the council has a bunch of people suing them for not making more security and that their children could've been killed there were atleast a few injuries for the students but not too fatal

As Astrid was really holding tight onto Hiccup as she was riding his back since hes always getting himself into danger as Hiccup was in the fridge getting some water with Astrid "you want anything" Hiccup said as Astrid looked over Hiccups shoulder "can you make me some orange juice" Astrid said as Hiccup chuckled and hot the juice as he began pouring some In a glass as he handed it to Astrid as Astrid just kissed Hiccup in the cheek

As Hiccup went back to his room and began cuddling next to him as Hiccup smiled and drank some of his water as Astrid kept on trying to snuggle up some more

Camicazi p.o.v

Well that plan back fired a ton I wrote a letter to the kid making fun of his mom making sure he would shoot Astrids class first but guess that didnt work and I wonder what could've calmed him down to actually make him surrender well time for plan B if I'm not gonna make someone kill her then I might as well make Hiccup come to me

"Hey your Camicazi" I look to my right and saw an over grown figure wearing a white hood but it really covered his face "yeah that's me you got the stuff" I asked the only reason why I'm doing this is because I want Hiccups money and he'll keep on sending me money in order if he wants to keep the thing alive "yeah you got the cash" he asked as he took out a powdered bag yeah that's just what I need "you know what this stuff will do right" he said as I just tossed him the cash so this is it a small bag the size of a pinky for 1500 dollars just hope that it does what its supposed to do "yeah I know I'll be in touch soon babe" I said as I moved his mask and gave him a kiss on the lips as I began walking away

Hiccup p.o.v

I was there just resting with Astrid but I just have a bad feeling  something is going to happen "babe you okay" I look to my right and saw Astrid touching my abs "yeah just thinking about stuff like if I become king of Wakanda do I have to leave you like my dad T'Chaka did to my mother or can I take you can convince the people there that I want to be with you" I said flipping to my side and moving a piece of Astrids hair out of her face as she looked like she was thinking

"Well I think that if you become king you can show the council who's boss" Astrid said poking ny nose as I just smiled as she then wrapped her arms around me as I just placed a kiss on her forehead as she just embraced me into a hug I just hope theres nothing that can seperate the both of us

Time skip

I was in Wakanda studying about the Wakandian language and their martial arts while listening to some music as I was translating some letters of Wakanda to english to see if I can make it easier for me to translate "hows your homework coming along" Ramonda said as she left me some more books to study "yeah it's coming along well actually hows brother T'Challa" I asked Shuris been running test on T'Challa making sure his sickness deosnt get any worse "yes hes doing well anyway I will leave you be please take care of yourself out there son" she said as I pretty much had to acknowledge her as a mother

I then felt a vibration from my wrist phone as I grabbed it and looked as it was a message from Astrid

:hey babe Ruff is having a party at her house her parents are gonne be a gone for a week so shes having a party wanna come

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