cosplay surprise 32

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Normal p.o.v

Astrid was washing the suit she took from the school it was going a away so they wouldnt mind if she took it as she was washing it in Hiccups wash room as it was as a bunny suit outside with a tail as Astrid wondered why would they have this in school grounds and fishnets for legs as she then out it on as she was inside of the bathroom and as she tried to put the outfit on as it was a bit too tight as it made her breast look a bit huge as she turned around and saw the tiny bunny tail as she shook it a bit and saw it

She giggled at the sight of it as she put in her bunny ears as she looked at herself as she really liked her outfit as she felt her phone vibrate as she grabbed it and saw it was Ruff "hey girl just needed some help can I come by you and Hiccup for help" Ruff texted as Astrid chuckled and texted back "sure I'll just tell Hiccup your coming by" Astrid texted as she started taking off the uniform as she looked around and saw Hiccup wasnt around as she placed the suit inside of the closet as she sat on the bed

Hiccup came by as he was looking at the computer as he saw Astrid there laying on the bed with her phone out as she puts it down as she spotted Hiccup "hey babe" Astrid said standing up as Hiccup walked over there and wrapped his arms around her waist as Astrid wrapped her arms around Hiccups neck as they both got close for a kiss as Hiccup sneaked his lips all over Astrids neck as Astrid just ruffled his hair "Hiccup Ruff is coming over" Astrid said trying to keep ger composure "better make this quick then or atleast see how much we can enjoy eachother" Hiccup said as he went back on kissing Astrids neck

As they were making out they then heard a knock at the door "must be Ruff sorry babe will continue when she leaves" Astrid said as Hiccup groaned in annoyance as Astrid began fixing her hair and walked towords the door as she opened it she saw Ruff with some books "hey bestie I need help" Ruff said as Astrid chuckled as she opened the door as Ruff walked in as she looked around the house in amazement "woe it must be so cool living with the next king of Wakanda how are you guys going to survive there it's so hot" Ruff said as she placed her books down at the counter as Astrid just grinned

"Nah it isnt that hot I've been there now let's see I'll help you  at Hiccups room" Astrid said as they both began walking upstairs as they bump into Hiccup "hey babe I'll be back gotta get some groceries I'll be back soon hey Ruff" Hiccup said as Ruff waved back "alright babe be careful" Astrid said as she kissed Hiccup on the cheek as he began walking away "your so trustworthy how do you know if Hiccup isn't going out with any other girl" Ruff said as Astrid rolled her eyes "Ruff I trust Hiccup with my life I know I can trust him" Astrid said as they both walk into the room "just saying" Ruff said as they both sat on the bed

Time skip

"Phew that took way too long then expected" Ruff said as Astrid was on her phone as Ruff looked at the closet that was slightly open "so after so many years of living together tou and Hiccup I  mean what has he baught you" Ruff said as she walked towords the closet "Ruffwait" Astrid said it so fast that Ruff didnt understand it as she opened it and saw a bunch of clothes but the one that caught her attention was the bunny suit as she grabbed it and looked at Astrid as Astrid covered her mouth as her cheeks were red "w...w...what is Hiccup making you do" Ruff said as Astrid walked over there and yanked it out if her hand and put it back in the closet "Ruff dont mention this to Hiccup okay I want it to be a surprise" Astrid said as Ruff seemed to get it

"Oh  Ew" Ruff said as she looked at Astrid "well then I better be on my Mary way but hey go get him Astrid show him who's boss" Ruff said as she went and grabbed her stuff and looked at Astrid with a wink as Astrid rolled her eyes as she looked at the clock and saw the time that Hiccup should be arriving soon as she grabbed the suit from the closet and went to the bathroom

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