Old rival 11

363 6 4

Hiccup p.o.v

I gently sneak back inside the window after my night out as the Vigilante Black fury and saving a few people as I saw Astrid still hugging the pillow which I replaced myself with ahe had a strong grip that I couldn't even get out as I tap on my chest and make my suit dissapear as I was just in my boxers as I just slept in the bed as I just put the covers on top of me with this super suit protecting the city is easy unless the bad guys also upgrade their equipment to stop me which happens alot

But our technology is so advance itll take about 10 to 50 years to catch up to our technology so this might not be so bad as soon as I get in bed I switch the pillow for me so I could wrap my arms around Astrid but as soon as I was about to close my eyes my alarm went off dammit the downsides of being a Vigilante is not getting enough sleep as I shut off my alarm and saw it was a friday hmm maybe this day wont be so bad after all I then heard groaning at the side of me and saw it was Astrid "Hiccup did we....do it last night" Astrid said guess she thought she was having a dream

"Yeah we did" I said as I moved a piece of her hair and kissed her on the forehead as she snuggled up to my chest and wrapped her arms around my chest as I did the same as I could feel her breast touching my chest and her head on the side of my neck as she then looked up with a questionable look "was I snoring last night" Astrid said oh guess she must've notice the bangs under my eyes I wonder when I should tell her I'm the next Black panther but Black fury when protecting this city but I have to come up with an excuse "no,no I was just having nightmares about my parents" I said I hate lying to her but if it's to protect her I'll do anything

"Oh poor Hiccup" She said as she cupped my cheek and put me in a kiss as our tongues were fighting for dominance but I won this one as I got on top of her and pinned her hands as we interlocked our fingers as we were in a very deep make out session oh Gods I love her so much as I move her bra aside and began licking her breast while she still had her bra on as she began  moaning in enjoyment as I bit on her nips "Alright Hiccup let's go maybe we can do this i dont know in the janitors room,lockers or maybe in the bed" Astrid said in a subductive voice as Hiccup smiled and placed a kiss on her lips as he lets go of Astrids hands

"Alright babe lets get ready" I said as we began getting ready as Astrid was using my stuff to brush her hair and everything but I dont mind at all

I was waiting for Astrid in the car as she got inside as I turned on the engine "ready" I said as I began reversing my car and began driving us to school "so Hiccup about your Brother T'Challa when are you guys going to go public" Astrid said I dont know about that we like to keep things secret depending on what it is "hmm I dont know actually it's particularly him we just live to keep our secrets but he promised me he would make our famaly public to the world" I said as I stopped at a red light but we then heard loud music as I looked at my revenue mirror and saw a high speeding car as it ran through a red light "wow who's that" Astrid said as she saw no cops chasing after it

"Dont know but then again this is new york" I said its true crime  is really high here in New York so this is nothing new "yeah true" Astrid said as the light turned green as I started driving again

When we made it at school I saw nearly all the students surrounding something or someone as we got out of the car as then someone came out of the croud "Hiccy" a blind girl said as she ran to me and gave me a hug "hey do I know you" I asked as she then looked up at me "well I'm disappointed Hiccy you dont remember me Camicazi" she said as my heart slipped several beats she used to be an old friend as well but she was always a stalker of mine "hey let go fo my man" I heard Astrid say as Camicazi and Astrid got in a starring contest as they were both holding my arms "Astrid long time no see" Cami said with a grin wait she knows Astrid bow come I didnt know this well then again she was my stalker since elementary and my first year of middle school but after finding out she was stalking me I exchanged to another school

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